Hi! My name is Kazander, I'm a game master and software engineer from Southern California. My first experience with tabletop was playing d&d with my dad when 4e came out, which was a lot of fun, but shortlived. Now, I've been running a d&d 5e campaign for 2 years and I play in a few other campaigns. I want to try more systems and see what else is out there, I've currently got sourcebooks for Dungeon World and Masks, as well as Star Wars FFG and I plan on getting Genesys soon. I also buy a lot of content on DMsguild, and I have 70 sets of polyhedral dice. I like material things. I want to see more diversity in this hobby. I like Cyberpunk and the Feywild. Neon colors are fun. I lean towards narrative over crunch.
I've been wanting to create more, but I lack the drive and energy. I find being around creative people and seeing what they're up to really helps inspire me to do more, hence me checking out this place!