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I'm non-binary so I looked for games tagged in non-binary. This game peaked my interest because it was unlike any game I found. It seems to have a rather philosophical take and I've never seen that in any game. Especially, one about the non-binary experience. The summary peaked my interest because it talks about embracing the complexities of life. And that it's set in a room. A simple conference room where misunderstood people sit who have never fully felt that all part(s) of who they are can be embraced, accepted, cherished, understood. It even says that no one can move on until they're named and accepted for who they are. It's also interesting that you get a cryptid message from someone saying that getting to know who the person is, will be the key to everyone moving on. To a hypothetical paradise or afterlife. It seems to be individualized which I find fascinating because that raises many interesting questions. such as: Is this due to free will?, is it because we don't know what we want?, Do we truly know what we want all along and have to discover it?, How does one actually fairly assess who gets into a paradise without violating ethics of excluding or judging others?. The nature of this game to explore the non-binary experience is what brought me to it, but the concept and what it's about kept me here. Well that and the fact it's accessible lol. Honestly This is only a few reasons I think I'll enjoy the game. What made you want to make a game showing the non-binary experience in this way? How did you think of this idea? I'm rather intrigued because it's not something people think of everyday. As always I do appreciate you keeping accessibility in mind. Most people never even consider it.