Pretty neat! Really tricky to actually try to figure out what the numbers would be so I think it's pretty much just try and pray. The wall numbers do help but not in cases where you'd need to know a bit further. Like this level (where annoyingly if you don't do the right thing from the start, I think it becomes unsolvable without restart).
Here too is the same issue.
I think this level is also somehow bugged as the gate remains open and still stops you.
The game was very pleasant to look at. Nice harmonious pixel art and with a good color palette. If going for nitpicks, I'd keep the pixel size the same on all objects. This was most notable on those bouncy pads as their pixels were huuuuuge. Oh and the rolling animation looks damn good with that over shoot on stop etc. Is it actually still 2d?
You also probably have the start scene key help messages neither anchored correctly nor have the canvas setup with a scaler.
But yeah, good job! Was very fun, though pretty easy journey. 👍