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I don't usually type in the comments but firstly, I want to say is that.... I Goddamn Love this Game with a passion. This is a fucking masterpiece. I could go on and on how amazing this game is but I just want to give a few suggestions that would make the game more interesting in my opinion. I don't know if other individuals have made these kind of suggestions that I am about to say, so I am just gonna say them anyway.

Main Character Building - I dont know If this is possible but it would be interesting to have players build their character and give them a specific to their liking. I know that you can make the Sexbot address you as whatever name you type but there are some moments where other characters like Shanice, Annalie and something the Sexbot where they mention your name. 

Contact System - This is basically like you wanting to message, call, etc. to whom you give your number to. It can even be used to call some of them over to either party and or hangout just to have a good time and build up their friendship

Friendship System - Just like what I mentioned about, it would be cool to build up your friendship with those you have a good friendly time with, like with Shanice, Annalie and maybe future characters that can make the story very interesting

Bringing Back Shanice - I was really really happy that I get to meet Shanice whos character was the best to me and she was a great friend even though we met for about a few weeks or so but she can have a great impact on the MC and Sexbot life. 

More Sex Moves - This is self explanatory. No need for me to explain this.

Being Able to Upgrade Your Lifestyle - This would nice for our MC and sexbot to have better places to live and better living conditions which make them more comfortable and safe.

More Places To Shop and Take Sexbot Along With - No need for me to explain.

Mini-Events - No need for me to explain.

Idle Animation for MC and Sexbot - No need for me to explain.

Being To Change The Body Type and Size of Sexbot - No need for me to explain.

Being Able to Do House Chores to Pass The Time - No need for me to explain.

More Websites To Use For Daily Living - No need for me to explain.

Being Able to Use Cosmetics on Sexbot - No need for me to explain.

More Dialog Interaction -  No need for me to explain.

That's all I have for now... If you like or dont like, let me know, I would to give some ideas that you and your members may like

Thank you for all of your hard work and effort for making this... Once this game reach a stage where I have to pay for it, I will definitely pay to continue to play this... this game is god tier


(2 edits)

the contact system reminded me of a idea i had(although it would take too much work):instead of having "go to ..." Buttons when you go out have a (semi) explorable area from wich you can see all the stores/places you can go as buildings,also at least blurry cg's of the areas you enter(store's)(that would make you feel more like you're outside and would combo with the phone)you could have the phone to call people as you mentioned but bot could also call you, and you can call her. Think of all the possibilities (plus you could also use it to save game outside or do some other dumb stuff)

That is what I was thinking and it could used to do other things which could be incorporated with the story itself and how each little action can make a big impact. I am also hoping that we get to see Shanice on a daily basis. She was a such a great character to have met and i would love to see her more and more. it could even be funny to see how Bot and Shanice interact with each other 

Yeah id also like more shanice, i mean after the good ending you get that conversation with other priest bot,and later a phone call and then it just stops. I want more.

same... i want shanice to be a daily thing