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(2 edits) ( 4)


Honestly this was okay. I probably would have liked it more if I didn't see the twists coming in advance.  If the rogue element didn't use the word she early on I wouldn't have instantly known the scientist was alice and if her stats weren't high empathy high rationality i wouldn't have instantly known the rogue element were bad guys for certain; however, in literature any group that doesn't operate in transparency is usually at least a semi antagonistic force. Beyond that as someone who studies in a scientific field the experiment this girl had run was a terrible one in terms of efficacy. She should have rebooted it completely the moment our memories carried onward to study the effects (possibly even setting up another bubble with another version of us to study the onset of this memory resistance, Similarly a reboot should have been necessary when a rogue element interrupted it as all useable data would essentially need to be dumped. In terms of hiding she presumably heard us mention a rogue element multiple times which should have alerted her to the danger of her lab and even the rogue element themselves should have kept the machine going, as they literally face instant death through nonexistence if the camp incident doesn't happen and there is real chance that the I of the present is unlikely to make those decisions or even be unable to perform them. That isn't even getting into some of the arguments that i think would have made for a more interesting direction.

For instance she brings up not having many options, but even ignoring the regularly joked about time travel possibility of keeping hitler in art school. Things like the assassination of franc ferdinand  would have much farther reaching consequences and was carried out by a single person making a single decision. History for as much as we like to talk about it in this manner  is actually full of these moments for good and ill (it was a single person that spread the works of aristotle from islam to the west, the idea of nihilism that inspired the general core of facist ideology. Even anti climate change sentiments back when it was first coming out and people where trying to burry it could be changed by changing the mind of select core individuals.

In short I feel the like the person we played was kind of foolish to the point of never being capable of succeeding or crafting arguments that could actually accomplish anything. The fact that no matter how our conversational skills leveled up we where stuck as nothing more than a distraction and the whole thing feels more like a kinetic novel rather than a game because the player has basically no agency, to the point in which after the halfway point i found myself clicking through about a third of the dialogue without a need really read it in order to undestand what was going on merely picking the response that was the best choice in the bottom right rather than actually debating with future "me" or Alice.

P.S. given this game uses a back to the game screen mechanic it is hard to tell what is and isn't an option narratively. As such it said use escape exit the game and I noticed when it brought up the menu load was an option and unlike when I tried to load from the end of the first loop I could fail the final question. In the interest of changing the story I purposefully then failed that final question only to get throne back into the chapter where i subsequently closed the game. Not sure what that means for the ending, but if loading a new game with the memories is fair game then surely loading an old game with the memories is too fair game and the machine never got shut down.