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Twice now I've had the chat popup at the start of shotgun massacre stay after the chat is done, making me unable to proceed. The menu has a bit of text outside of the screen, is there an exit button in the chat I can't see perhaps? I am using a 16:10 screen by the way. Some indie games just slice off the edges when viewed on 16:10 instead of the more popular 16:9.

Hello friend, the game is made in Widescreen, 16:9 format.

(1 edit)

Is there no in-game workaround? Seems odd to have to mess with your computers settings instead of doing it inside the game so it'll go back to normal once the game is closed.

Edit: and it seems my monitor can't even switch to anything except 16:10 resolutions at that, weird.

I thought I'd try the old Alt Enter to exit fullscreen trick, but no, the game remains in a 16:10 mode even in windowed. 
Example of sides being cut off below.

So it seems the game doesn't resize well, but Unity also forces it to conform to the native screen format in some ways.