I have the game downloaded, but when I try to run it, I get an alert saying it crashed and closed, what do I do?
Certainly! And thank you for such a fast response!
I'm running it on :
Acer Aspire R5-571TG
Windows 10 (I also tried running the game under different compatibility modes for Vista, 7, and 8 to no avail)
My original error message was this big long thing, right now I am getting:
Couldn't start:
"C:......\woodsy\woodsy/Binaries/Win64/Woodsy-Win64-Shipping.exe" Woodsy
creatprocess0 returned2.
Same things happens for the 32..
Okay so from what I can understand here you should have the proper specs to be able to run it, so I am not at all aware of why it isn't running. :/
The error is very general and not super helpful, unfortunately, and it should run on Windows 10 just fine (runs on mine, anyway).
Do you by any chance have an antivirus or other security program running?