Hello again, after a long time away from the game I wanted to replay it (and see all the updates!).
Unfortunately I have faced an error that I couldn't do anything except closing the game. In the game building menu and other functionalities were switching on and off constantly with the high rate (~30 PS).
And I have found the issue: I had not defined the keys for any action in the game. No "AWSD" for moving, nothing for opening the inventory, nor building menu. So the solution was to define that. Thankfully it was possible from a standard menu.
Code solutions (only ideas):
1. If you don't find definitions, create default settings file or fill with the defaults already existing file. Then use the file (reload the game?).
2. If you don't find definitions, override empty settings by default ones.
3. If the definitions have the same keys for multiple actions add some alert that something is wrong with the definitions and may cause the damage.
4. If the definitions have the same keys for multiple actions do not let the game to play (allow only menu).
5. Solve the issue the way fits you best :) .
I guess that this issue can happen when you update the game from one of the very old versions, but also it can happen if anybody will play with the local storage files and/or random error will happen to your computer. Checking that on the game opening (validation on "play" button in the game menu) should not be very time consuming.