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  1. If my analytics say I’m getting referred from just “”, is that definitely the front page? Or do other sources on the site show up like that?

Based on what I’ve seen from analytics, I suspect it’s not strictly only from the front page. I’ve gotten views from more specific pages, like tag searches, but possibly might be an umbrella url.

  1. I posted a “Major Update” over a week ago for and it hasn’t shown up in searches for “last 7 days”. Do Major Updates bump your position in those searches?

After posting a Major Update, it has to be manually reviewed by an admin. If approved, it bumps up your game in a similar way to publishing a new game. Although this can take some time, I think it should be done within a week. Did you get some extra views this past week?

  1. If you only do small updates, can you still declare one of them a major update?

There is a gray area on small updates vs major updates. The idea is, if you do routine bugfixes, or add a small new feature, it should be a small update. If you did big changes, that changed how the game looks/behaves in a big scale, to the point that a user that has seen the game before and didn’t play it but might change their mind now, then it should be a major update.

The reason major updates are approved manually, is to prevent abuse and “gaming the system”. Someone making daily major updates that add little to the game, just to be bumped on new searches, is one example where it’s misused.

Based on what I’ve seen from analytics, I suspect it’s not strictly only from the front page. I’ve gotten views from more specific pages, like tag searches, but possibly might be an umbrella url.

That's would be too bad.  I used to get referral urls that had the search criteria embedded in them.  It was nice to know.

Although this can take some time, I think it should be done within a week. Did you get some extra views this past week?

Yes, I've had a bump here and there, but I also had mine unlisted for a long time.  Anyway, it can't be from "last 1/7 days" searches because it's just not there.  If I add some search criteria it narrows it down to about 18 games (, so I can see it's not there.  I mostly just want to know if that's how it is supposed to work.

That’s would be too bad. I used to get referral urls that had the search criteria embedded in them. It was nice to know.

I might be mistaken then. I haven’t paid close attention to analytics, but I’m not aware of any changes.

Yes, I’ve had a bump here and there,

If you had a bump on the last week, compared to the past few weeks, then it means it works as intended. I’m not sure about all the lists where the game is bumped, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

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Thanks for trying to help me out with this, DD.

If you had a bump on the last week, compared to the past few weeks, then it means it works as intended. I’m not sure about all the lists where the game is bumped, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

Like I said, it was unlisted for months previous to that, so I have nothing to compare to.

And I mean, no, I'm going to worry about this.  Like, if I can only get on the "Last X Days" on the first release, then I'll wait until a later stage of development to post my next game so I can take full advantage of that. I don't think that's "gaming the system", it's just trying to make a smart choice.  

Idk, I feel like I'm asking reasonable, straightforward, yes/no questions that somebody should know the answer to.  Maybe I'm wrong,  but I don't think the information I'm asking for can be used to game the system.  So I feel kinda like this is less a matter of users gaming the system and more about the system gaming the users.  Which is fine, I guess.  It's their system.

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Kind of jumping on this question since it is related to Major Updates and Analytics. I am seeing that my past two Major Updates have significantly less than the our usual DevLog post - but I also think it could be that no one is interested. However, there is no feedback on the moderation end that I can see. Is anywhere on a DevLog that indicates whether it is in process of a manual review, accepted, or rejected? I *thought* I would get emails, but that may have been a different platform. So, is there a way to see that manual review process?

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As far as I’m aware, there is no way to tell. The idea seems to be that as a creator you focus on creating the devlogs as described by the rules, without spamming Major Updates, and the platform takes care of the rest.

In general there’s some obfuscation to prevent users from gaming the system, I’m not sure if this is the reason there is limited feedback on the devlog status.