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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here (likes and subs are highly appreciated, of course <3):

As I'm writing these comments for each update, I'm going to discuss only this particular one)


1. The layout of the school now feels more interesting. It seems to be closer to the layout of actual schools and generally, I really liked it. There is a disadvantage to it that I'm going to mention later, though) I loved that you kept the misplaced chairs and tables from the last updates. Enjoyed the new cabinets in the classrooms a lot. They look cool, they make the player stay longer in the room so I think that's a great idea!

2. Two personalities! That's just amazing! Exactly what this game needed and I mentioned that in my last comment. Of course, such a change in mechanics has disadvantages as well (the 2d disadvantage below) but overall it's a great improvement to the game! I hope that in the next updates more ways of influencing Yandere's mood will be introduced. At the moment, the changes I saw were incredible. The new behavior of her offering drugs is also pretty cool. It's a pity that I haven't seen much of the other behaviors like talking to the player when they are in the locker and then leaving them (not even once :( ) but I guess that happens because her choice of behaviors is so wide that the probability of seeing particular ones is lower. The only last thing that I want to add here is that the change between the identities is perfect. It's partly clear but still makes the player wonder whether they are dealing with Yandere or Yangire. Very well done!

3. New mini-game for switching the lights on is very nice! I enjoyed that it keeps you in place but it's relatively easy and fast to solve at the same time! Can't wait for more) 


1. The disadvantage of the new layout I mentioned before is that it's much harder to lose yandere when she noticed you. Before you had lots of corners and the distances were smaller. Now it's so much harder to make her lose sight of you! Also, the only new cabinets I disliked being in the first spawn room. The brown ones. They don't look interactable at all. They are too low and they look exactly like the rest of the closet. That's confusing.

2. OK, what I didn't like about new identities is that there's not many options to influence her mood (I guess I already mentioned that). Also, considering that it's so hard to lose her now it feels kinda unfair that she keeps stalking you constantly. I think it would be great if you could give Yandere (when she's nice) a small task (to fetch you healies or something like that) and that would make her run away (but then she'd get pissed that you hid from her). Or something like that.

3. At that point because the map became bigger and it's harder to sneak around it, it's incredibly important to make the difference between voice level and position distinctive so you would be able to know for sure where she's at the moment. How far and general direction as well. Right now it's confusing and luck-based whether you're going to run into her or not. I guess she could also become silent from time to time to fool you and stuff like that.


Amazing update!) That was so great, I had lots of fun checking it our and I will for sure try my best to beat it) For now, I rate it 10 scary Yandere girls out of 10! Can't wait to see how the game will be improved next))

Hope my feedback was useful!

(1 edit) ( 1)

You can't lose her because she is always behind you. Better rush to every room and grab all the keys ASAP and escape. :)) 

( 2)

yep currently thats a bug ... and its being patched along with adding 4 new places to hide from her under the stair ways