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As I write this, the screen continues to fill with individuals whose needs are increasingly impossible to satisfy. Is this our fate as a species? Despite the fact that time and space continue to compress thanks to technological advancement, are we destined to remain strangers? Even the magic of mythical beings, once worshipped for their omnipotence, isn't enough to stand against our loneliness and fear of vulnerability. We watch helplessly as the names pile on, as the prayers go unanswered, as they swarm into a growing monument to human weakness.

Anyway, I think the concept is pretty strong. Others have mentioned possible UI and UX improvements, so I won't harp on about them for too long, but I agree that the game could benefit from some visual improvements that provide a bit more clarity and guidance amidst the chaos (color-coding personality types would be a great help). I appreciate all of the possible activities that the characters can do, but they admittedly get lost amidst all of the mixing and matching. One element I'll certainly praise is the tutorial. Considering how crazy things can get in this game and how unique the system is, it's nice to have a safe space to figure out the controls and see how things play out between characters. It's clear that a lot of thought went into this one, and I'd love to see how it could be expanded upon in potential iterations. Nice work!