Fantastic audio and music, really well done on these fronts.
There were a few times where the plodding pace felt forced, but after some initial frustration I came to appreciate especially the pauses between lines of dialogue. As another user mentioned (and was exactly how my experience went), thoughts filled the space between the phrases and the game then expanded itself into other places in my mind.
The English seems a bit awkward in places in a way that is reminiscent of difficulties in translation rather than deliberate choices, which is unfortunate, since there is an authenticity and rawness to what is being said, and this can detract from that a bit. Cleaning that up would probably improve the experience. But, it's not really a problem across too much of the script and the message gets across, with no broken phrases, so it's still a job well done.
Plenty of genuinely interesting ideas and brilliant imagery/vignettes that will stick with me in here. Great work and thanks for making something with such singular purpose.