The source code is in the page if you want to check it out (cooker/ but, basically, each fruit is a Polygon2D (it doesn't need to be one but it's easier this way) and the knife has a polygon too. Then you need to clip those two polygons to get the parts with Geometry.clip_polygons_2d(fruit_polygon, knife_polygon) that will give you 2 or more polygons. After that you need to set the correct UVs for those polygons with:
var poly = splitted_fruit.get_poly()Which basically moves all the UVs to the correct position in the splitted polygon.
poly.polygon = points
poly.texture = Poly.texture
var half_size = poly.texture.get_size() / 2.0
var uvs = []
for j in points.size():
var vec = (points[j] half_size)
poly.uv = uvs
This way you have them splitted, you can add them to a RigidBody2D and apply some forces (like I did in the game) so they fly out of the screen.