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this is just.. Wow! (minor spoiler warning btw)

i really thought i couldn't be surprised by this VN again after the Tate route, but i could not have been more wrong! i thought i wasn't gonna do the Therium route since i didn't really like him, but it is reeeally well written and the mystery really leaves you on your toes sometimes! (REAL BIG SPOILER) i do feel like since he takes a more antagonistic stance than the dynamic trio there should be a way to not end up with a main character that is thoroughly in love with Therium though, even selecting "I don't really like him" when given the choice doesn't seem to change the outcome in any way, it is nice to have the choice to not sleep with him though!

the inclusion of Scribbles as a narrator is outstandind, makes me wish we could have it on the other routes as well but i see how it's thematic to the summoner route, keeping the promise and all.

Last of all, Alvy! at first i was kinda bummed that you have to go through the entire Therium route to start meeting him, but after doing it i'd say it's really worth it even just for the single day you get with him so far, he's such a cutie! i'm curious if this reset situation will mean that Alvy's route will have more content than the other routes  when all routes are finished due to it going back to day 1 after what that weirdo does to ya, or how if you're handling this route differently than the others, either way i am deffinitely looking foward to this one, mayybe as much as the Tate route i'd say!

even with all the praise i'll give this VN (and it really deserves it) there is something i noticed after playing all 4 of the routes, specifically how two of them deffinitely were made with more than "magic themed dating sim" in mind, if you played all 4 you probably noticed how Dallan and Aiden's Routes have muuch less going on than Tate's and Therium/Alvy's, the latter go beyond "cute boy awooga awooga" and have really well written storylines and give more backstories to their characters. Yes, Dallan's "situation" hit me like a truck at the end of his route (the first i played) and the Headmaster getting freaky all of a sudden shocked me pretty bad, i did enjoy them for what they were, as dating sims. but them Tate's route came out and it was CRAZY good and then followed now by Alvy's (...and i guess Therium's) and their stories taking COMPLETELY different turns compared to Aiden and Dallan's was fantastic to read! i really love all these characters, and i can't wait to see more of all of them now that you're decided to expand further from "just a dating sim" and it is now so much more!

overall, 10/10, would recommend!


Idk if you're right. I thought he planned each route to have a quirk that that you find out. Aiden has a C and his dad is the H. Dallan is B. Tate is an O. And scribbles route is about dealing with the antagonist and for some reason alvy.

Each route then has connected problems.. Aiden with his dad, dallan with how's treated, tate with his.. dad lol

Then there's other plot points sprinkled in i forget where, like that totally straight fker that bangs the nightfallen guy with a funny name.. The woman that bangs nightfallen and does experiments.. Mc's curse to bang random strangers.. Ok maybe it's all sex but funilly enough it all ties to some other plot point lol

I mean, the story is great and it's just starting, i'm wondering what the fuck would a bigger climax of an arc look like. We already have some clues to the happenings.. like the antagonist biding his time until he does something to win back the rights of nightfallen..