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I was developing it on old gtx 1070ti and got around 55-60 fps on 1080p resolution without any problem.

Try to set frame limiter to 60 so your gpu won’t calculate unnecessary frames. Also Epic settings are mainly for cinematic purposes (creating video/screenshots). Game doesn’t push CPU too much so you should be able to play it also on mid/low tier cpu.

There is also performance guide which explains which setting influence the resulting visuals and it’s petformance cost…

Thank you for the reply, I did set it to 60fps though and my pc still sounded like it was trying out for Space Force or Elon Musk.  My thermals jumped from 25-30 degrees celsius to 90 . And my fans were going from 2k rpm to 7k rpm. And the system resource monitor went nuts saying 98% was going to the game. My RTX 40 series went nuts trying to figure out what to do. I don't really know what the prob was. But it was trying to destroy a 13th gen processor with 16gb free ram and an RTX40 gpu. And the instant I closed the game everything was fine, the second I loaded the game it went nuts again. Multiple times. So I'm kinda lost.