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Can’t use fire extinguisher and axe on any cards during the game. Clicking is registered with a characteristic sound, but no effect occurs. All items (except for the spyglass) end up being stored in containers forever.

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Aaaaand the game got stuck when the dealer see the left card at my tower and took gasoline from the box. The model of the canister disappeared and that’s it: the animation doesn’t play further, the camera froze on showing an empty cell.

Very sorry that this is still happening. 

Am currently working on resolving this issue with some other players that have encountered this issue as well.

I think I'm very close to tracking down the cause.

But this clip is extremely helpful and likely further confirms my suspitions.

If you wouldn't mind, could you trigger the bug again,

hit "Ctrl Shift J" (or however you open the Javascript console in your browser.)

and tell me if there are any errors mentioning "TryGetMetaData"?

(Ignore errors mentioning "Not allowed to access vertices" that's just my spaghetti bleh.)

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If you have updated your build in the last few hours, I hasten to inform you that right now I do not have these bugs: items are used as they should be and the camera does not get stuck after the opponent uses the canister.

awesome thx man!