An hour of headpats is not nearly enough headpats... but it's a start!
Now... the clock. I don't want to disable it. I just wish it was faster. Significantly faster. :/ Would it be practical to make time advance in 5-minute intervals, or even ten-minute intervals, rather than 1-minute intervals?
Every time I do someone something I then just stare at the clock while it's ticking away thinking "MOOOOOOOOVE FAAAAAAASTERRRRRRR!"
If not, for whatever reason, that's fine. Again, I don't want to shut it off. Even the beep-boop speech noises I haven't shut off, just significantly lowered the volume of. I don't hate either change. The beep-boops were just too hard on my frayed nerves after work at full volume, and the clock needs to get a bit of a wriggle on. The speed limit is 55, grandpa! Why are you doing 38!?! D:<
Oh, great. Now you've slowed down to 34. FFFFFFFFFFFffffffffffffffffantastic.