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I don't really know about this one guys. I have to be honest.

I just going to get the big opinion statement out of the way this is really boring, I guess to keep their own so let me elaborate. I Read above that you guys focused more on the story this time and I guess it shows, as in from the beginning to about after gathering mushrooms for the first time I was kind of engaged (at this point it was still kind of boring but I was starting to get use to my pal Bob a bit). Even the little jumpscare at the scare of the gate was pretty ok as well, it got me a bit. After this point though is where it seems like the game lost its momentum and started to feel a bit half arsed. The dialogue was taken second stage to nothing but fetch quests which killed the pacing since nothing really happens during these. Even when you think something might happen nothing does (don't get me wrong I don't mean some big story beat but just some to break up the boringness of go here click this is the same order same spot. When you changed the location of the captured bunny that was a small but good start to help keep you players invested. Maybe put multiple color mushrooms but we have to make sure we get the right color or something. Basically this gameplay is overly bloated with non inventive fetch quests.

Now if the point of this game was to focus more on the story then that was ok until about the same point, we get get an explanation dump instead of any clues or any real build up. SPOILERS ALERT phayak has blood on his shirt maybe unrelated who knows, then dead deer could be connected with pha or this creature who knows, then bob just turns. No build up no lead up no real question. I guess you can say you never guessed your friend, but by that point in this game I wasn't thinking about any creature at all I was just thinking about fetching more mushrooms and checking my traps again.

Maybe if I understood what was more of the focus here it would be easy to give both positive and or negative reviews but as it stands I would have to say this game isn't really worth the time it takes to complete it.

Nice dances Tiger at the end though...