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Finished TJs route

This one felt the most tame (at first) and I was starting to wonder if everyone in this novel is gay lol. We get cut TJ hitting at maybe liking us though never fully saying it to our face, which is prob why this one worked so goddamn well for me. Lots of stuff about Sydney, I fell like the most we are gonna get and spending more times with all our friends which I liked!


Holy fucking shit this one made me cry, that ending is not fucking ok. Through the novel I was almost certain we were the killer all along but I also thought; "NOOO they wouldn't make the MAIN CHARATER do something like that!?" should have remembered that this is FUCKINGN ECHO. The fact we don't even TRY to hear Flynn out or let him talk just lets us know what kind of person we really are, and we saw glimpses of it through out the novel. But seeing it and confirming it is something else. Also how are we so FUCKED UP to do that shit to TJ! THE BABYYY. I Actually hate Chase SO MUCH and I will be smiling next time I get a death screen cuz we FUCKING DESERVE IT! 

TJs route: 10/10 this might be my favorite