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(pasting my review here since comments are now enabled)

As a long-time fan, I've been excited about this VN for a while (though it did take me a few weeks to get to it) and hoo boy it sure did NOT disappoint. The artwork was stellar (and sexy) and, together with the music and careful choice of words, created a delicious and extremely well-woven atmosphere (I did not expect a singular plot twist and all of them had me gasping so hard I choked on my own spit. Bless). I am in love with all the characters shown so far; they're all so incredible and well designed (my favorite being of course Ysmé she's such an asshole so far yet I forgive her (mainly because she's gay (at least I think so))).

Conclusion: Yeah this game was exactly what I wanted from it. Masterful execution of everything it set out to do; it's got me hooked on everything. Can't wait to see more of the "gang". 5/5