I loved playing this game. I didn't realize at first it was from the 1k jam, very polished. I kind of wished that button presses stop the dice from rolling, but every byte counts :)
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DownRight Dungeon - ( PICO-1K Jam 2024)'s itch.io pageCompressed Bytes used
Source Code (OPTIONAL)
d=0i=0♥=2●=0l=1n=0★=32o=1s=0c=0f=true a=btnp 𝘴=rnd e=pget r=rectfill reload(4096,4096,8192)mset(3,3,5)mset(0,0,1)█={"?","p𝘢𝘵𝘩","c𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵","m𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳","s𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘦","s𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘴","g𝘢𝘮𝘦 o𝘷𝘦𝘳"}x={"●","●","♥","♥","",""}e=2function _draw()cls()if(c>t())camera(sin(time()*10))
if(t()<n and rnd()<.8and f)o=flr(rnd(6)) 1
if e==2do for f=0,3do for n=0,3do r(f*★,n*★,f*★ 30,n*★ 30,mget(f,n) 1)print(█[mget(f,n) 1],3 f*★,25 n*★,7)end end?"😐",d*★ 11,i*★ 10 sin(t()),7
?"웃",d*★ 11,i*★ 14,7
if f and(a(⬇️)or a(➡️))do if(a(➡️)and d<3)d =1☉()
if(a(⬇️)and i<3)i =1☉()
elseif not f do if(t()>n)e=mget(d,i) 1n=t() 3s=flr(rnd(3) 1)*l f=true
end elseif e==7do elseif e==5do if(a(⬅️)and ●>0)●-=1♥ =1
?"1●->1♥ e𝘹𝘪𝘵",25,93,7
?" ⬅️ ➡️",25,99,2
elseif e==6do if(t()>n)♥ =1l =1e=2d=0i=0f=true 𝘵()
elseif e==4do?"🐱",56,26 sin(t()),8
?"😐",56,72 sin(t()),8
if ♥>0and s>0do if f do u(59,90,o)if(t()>n)c=t() .2s-=o
else local f=mid(1,flr(o/3*l),6)u(59,38,f)if(t()>n)c=t() .2♥-=f
end if(t()>n)n=t() 3f=not f
else if(not f)u(59,90,o)
if s>0do?" w𝘪𝘯𝘴",50,58,7
else?" l𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘴",50,58,7
end if(t()>n)😐()● =flr(l/2)
end elseif e==3do u(57,60,o)if(t()>n and f)f=false n=t() 3color(7)
if(t()>n and not f)😐()𝘦(o)
end?"² "..max(0,♥).."♥ "..●.."● "..l.."⬇️",40,1,7
end function 𝘦(f)if(f<3)● =1
if(f>2and f<5)♥ =l
end function u(f,n,e)r(f,n,f 8,n 8,8)local d={{4,4},{2,2,6,6},{2,2,4,4,6,6},{2,2,2,6,6,2,6,6},{2,2,2,6,4,4,6,2,6,6},{2,2,2,4,2,6,6,2,6,4,6,6}}for i=1,#d[e],2do pset(f d[e][i],n d[e][i 1],7)end end function 𝘵()reload(4096,4096,8192)mset(3,3,5)mset(0,0,1)end function 😐()if(♥>0)f=true e=2
end function ☉()f=false if(d i~=6)mset(d,i,rnd(4) 1)
n=t() 1end
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