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c=-1::i::d=1t=0e=198f={e=99,f=99,o=0,d=0,r=.9,i=15,t=12,h=3}i={f}h=0p=0r=1g=0for n=0,30do add(i,{e=rnd(e),f=rnd(e),i=4,t=5,h=4})if n<6then add(i,{e=90 n,f=90,o=0,d=0,r=.97,i=8,t=12,h=2})end end::e::l=rnd()if t@<d then add(i,{e=99 cos(l)*e,f=99 sin(l)*e,i=1,t=8,h=4})end if t%8<1then add(i,{e=99 cos(l)*e,f=99 sin(l)*e,r=1,o=1-rnd(2),d=1-rnd(2),i=0,g=600,t=10,h=5})end t =1if btn(0)then f.o-=.3end if btn(1)then f.o =.3end if btn(2)then f.d-=.3end if btn(3)then f.d =.3end camera(f.e-64 rnd(h),f.f-64 rnd(h))h=max(h-.7,0)g-=.02if g<0then r=1end for n in all(i)do a=1o=0if n.o then n.e =n.o n.f =n.d n.o*=n.r n.d*=n.r o=atan2(n.o,n.d)end if n.i<1then a,o=7,t/99end if n.i>8then a=4end if n.i==8then b=f.e-n.e v=f.f-n.f n.o =b/50n.d =v/50n.t=12if abs(n.o) abs(n.d)<3then n.t=1end for e in all(i)do if e.i>7and abs(n.e-e.e) abs(n.f-e.f)<e.i then b=n.e-e.e v=n.f-e.f n.o =b/9n.d =v/9end end end if n.i==1then o=atan2(f.e-n.e,f.f-n.f)n.e =cos(o)*d n.f =sin(o)*d a=4end if n.i<2then for e in all(i)do if e.i>7and e.t>9and abs(e.e-n.e) abs(e.f-n.f)<8and d>0then if e==f then goto n else w=r h=4if n.i>0then r,g,h,w=min(10,r 1),1,8,r*10end p =w s=n add(i,{e=n.e,f=n.f,r=1,o=.2,d=-.5,i=6,g=60,h=0,a=w})del(i,n)goto f end end end end if n.g then n.g-=1if n.g<0then del(i,n)end end line()for e=0,n.h do m=o e/n.h line(n.e cos(m)*a,n.f sin(m)*a,n.t)end if n.a then?" "..n.a,n.e,n.f,6
end end rect(0,0,e,e,6)if d>0and(abs(f.e-99)>99or abs(f.f-99)>99)then goto n end camera(0,0)n="score:"..p if g>0then n=n.."\n𝘹"..r end if d<1then n=n.."\n high:"..c end?n,50-d*47,3,7
if g>0then line(3,1,3 122*g,1)end if d<1then?"press ❎ to believe",27,99
for n=2,0,-2do o=t/50?"⁶w⁶tpico\nmace",50 sin(o)*n,46 cos(o)*n,7-n
end if btn(5)then goto i end end if c<0then goto n end flip()cls()goto e::n::s=f del(i,f)d=0h=9c=max(c,p)goto f::f::j=5 s.i*2for n=0,j do o=n/j k=rnd(3)add(i,{e=s.e,f=s.f,o=sin(o)*k,d=cos(o)*k,r=1,i=5,t=s.t,h=2,g=15})end goto e
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