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Dungeon DevView game page

Build And Balance Your Dungeon Crawler!
Submitted by ImposGames, Numai, NughtaedGames — 1 hour, 53 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 29 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You're building the dungeon instead of playing it.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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Submitted( 1)

Impressive game for a jam! Art and animations are fantastic, love the gameplay too! Great job guys!!!

Submitted( 1)

Love the graphics! The concept is amazing :))

Submitted( 1)

I love the enemy designs and the over all presentation. The game was fun and I'd be interested in seeing future developments that add more features!

Submitted( 1)

Interesting game!

Submitted( 1)

Thats great! 

I was stuck with some room that would not connect. 

Submitted( 2)

The inability to remove elements was annoying but mostly because this was so otherwise polished I was subconsciously holding it to shipped game standards. Well done!

Submitted( 1)

I really enjoyed this one -the ease of placing room tiles (Having them snap into place, the controls being intuitive, and the really clean tutorial) was a great addition, especially for a jam game. The game loop is also pretty fun, you somehow managed to make the experience of fine tuning level balance enjoyable. The presentation is also really good, the game is super duper readable and the art style is nicely polished. The mechanic of keeping the game "fun" for the player also made immediate sense, the little meter on the top left really helped make that clear.

That said, there's a few things that stick out - like the player being able to pick up potions through walls (My first dungeon had him explore through the hordes to find extra potions, only to find out he could just pick them up on the way to the exit), and the inability to remove skeletons or potions I had already placed down (Not making rooms removable make sense, but not being able to remove objects meant that I ended up with a dungeon balanced by filling the room with skeletons and potions everywhere, which felt very cluttered). Also, sometimes the player would wander off to go fight random skeletons on the other end of the map, but that didn't feel as buggy as the other stuff.

This game is really good overall! Would love to see this expanded into a full, "non-jam" release somehow.

Submitted( 1)

Awesome idea!!! I think it's a bit hard to balance the dungeon difficulty but the game is really great :D

Developer( 1)

Thank you so much. Its always dificult to balance in such a short amount of time, but we did our best :)

Submitted( 1)

Amazing game! Brilliant idea and well executed. You really gave the feeling of having to balance again. Only one thing: not being able to remove items or enemies feels off. Still a great entry!

Submitted( 1)

Cool idea!
I've encounter a bug if you placed block elsewhere, it messes up pathfinding, and you get stuck in game loop.
but other than that really nice :)

Submitted( 1)

Very cool game, needs some polishing and corrections to shine at its maximum potential, but still this is a very great work, good job!

Submitted( 1)

Really impressive work! I really like how you nailed the theme. Unfortunately, I also encountered the bug with platform that was not fitting anywhere in the boss battle phase. I also would like to have ability to change selected mode (enemy, potion or building) because if I select building I can't undo it.

But overall I love the game, good job!

Submitted( 1)

Game with great quality.

I found some flaws, you need to give us the ability to remove placed rooms, potions, and enemies because once I place, I am unable to remove the thing I placed. I am supposed to choose what shape of dungeon room from a build menu instead of having it pop up randomly.

Submitted( 2)

This game belongs in the top 100 ;)

Submitted( 2)

The visuals and sound for this game are incredible I really liked the art in particular as well as the use of 3d and 2d assets. The room placement is really fun and they snap satisfyingly together. It's also just really nice to look at how the entire dungeon after you finish placing down each room.

Submitted( 2)

Wow! Building the dungeon and watching the pieces snap together felt really satisfying!
The auto-hero was good too, but my favorite part was the building for sure!

There was a snapping bug where once piece didn't want to fit anywhere and I couldn't progress, but I restarted and didn't encounter it again.

Very cool idea!

Developer( 1)

Thank you for playing. :) Sorry about the bug you encountered, glad you still had enough fun to give it another try!

Submitted( 1)

Nice execution to reverse the dungeon building, The 3D aspect is really nice and makes placing these blocks satisfying however on the building part the player is left to his own and random chance.


Thank you for your feedback, we agree the buildings randomness is sometimes very punishing!

Submitted( 1)

Fun game! Building the level was interesting enough, but to see the player feedback and have to adjust things based on that was a wonderful twist.


Thank you! :)

Submitted( 1)

I loved the snappy placement, that worked really well.
Also great that you added some explanation on the goal, that always helps.

It would have been better to implement some sort of algorithm that would supply the 'right' pieces you need to finish your dungeon though. I tried 3 times and wasn't able to complete a path to the finish, that's unfortunate.

Developer( 1)

you mean to the temple/shrine things or the boss? For the temple things you just need a room to be placed nearby that is big enough for the temple and it snaps to the room :)


hmm I'll give it another shot then, I was trying to build rooms towards the blue fire/light thingy, but kept getting blocks that did not fit it.


yeah no block really fits, sadly but the bigger ones are working

Submitted( 1)

This was really creative. I had a similar idea for our horror sim as well where during gameplay you could change the rooms but we never got to implementing it. I did run into a few issues though. 

Just 2 things though. Or maybe I dint progress enough to unlock these features. 

  1.  Give the option to cancel placement of any object.
  2. Give the option to delete a placed object. 

I also feel like having the player engagement meter visible during gameplay would help out a lot in know where exactly the player got bored. So you'll know which areas to fix and which to not.

Maybe this is my personal feeling, but I dont think that finishing the game with low health should be criteria here. You could calculate things like, time it takes to clear a particular group of enemies and then how much health was lost during that engagement. 

Kudos to making such an interesting game. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to write such detailed feedback! 
We really felt the time when creating this game so we couldn't add a lot of ideas (like a delete function).

I liked how you implemented the meter and think we will get back to it in case of making a final polish!

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