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Mirror RollView game page

You (Blue Ball) have been cursed by a wizard to have your annoying cousin (Red Ball) be linked to your moves.
Submitted by PianoPianist — 35 minutes, 9 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 88 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
In alignment to the theme "Joined Together", Blue and Red balls will move together but in opposite directions.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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Submitted( 1)

Cool game. The core idea is very simple, yet it's done in a way that feels fresh. The fact that you die if you meet and the clever levels make it really fun. I look forward to seeing more of it! 

Submitted( 1)

Cool idea! I was confused at first at what to do, but that is just because I didn't read the itch page first lol. The fact that only one can make it to the end and if the other touches you lose a life or if both touch you lose a life makes this game have an interesting take on the concept! The heart system is also interesting! I think this game would benefit from having a menu with a reminder of the objective. Also, the "You Die" screen applies to when you win as well, so may want to fix that! Great job and it is a fun idea! You should make more levels! :D

Submitted( 1)

Neat and unique puzzle platformer!

I like the nice and bright sprite art, and the tight platform controls. The puzzles work well and are fun to work out, and I think (?) I completed the game, though upon clearing the last level it showed the death screen. Probs a mistake on my part though.

Submitted( 1)

A cool little puzzle game. As others have mentioned, we need a restart from death, because I died A LOT. But I loved the little character animations and it had some good level design. Good work.

Submitted( 1)

That was a fun short game :) The only problem is that after dying you cant play again the level you left on :/ I had to replay the game 4 times becouse of that.

Other than that maybe adding new mechanics along the way could be fun.

Overall it was fun loved it nice work :D

Submitted( 1)

Very cool idea!

I like the funny sound playing on failing and also the fact that you die if the two players touch. With this concept you designed very clever levels where you really have to think what you will do.

The only thing I would have changed is that on the game over screen there is no restart button so you have to close the hole game and then start it again. Also it was a bit comfusing that after you finished the game the death screen showed up.

Nevertheless a very cool concept and for a game jam it looks very polished so great work!

Submitted( 1)

This is a nice little game, but I feel as though its polish was restrained by the time limit. I would like to have seen this with a bit more expansion on controls and settings.  The groundwork for good design is here, but it's not as deep as I would have prefered. Overall, this is a fun game, but I'd like to see more in the future.

Submitted( 1)

I enjoyed my time here, but for some levels I felt like the solution wasn't actually that clever or that I got away with winning because I managed to trap the red ball. I'd like to see more objects to play with here like adding a second red ball/portal, or introducing an enemy that can kill both balls.

Submitted( 1)

Nice game with good level design! My only criticism is that I wish there was a quicker way to restart after dying. In addition, after I beat the game the "you lose" screen pops up instead of the "you win" screen.

Nevertheless it's a nice game!

Submitted (2 edits) ( 2)

Nice! Short and sweet. The difficulty felt a little bit easy to me, but the last level took me a few tries to get right! All in all a fun twist on the 'control two characters' subtheme that's emerged this jam. Yours is the only one I've seen where you control the hero and an enemy. That's a really clever idea! 

If I can offer a small critique - As an animator, I feel obligated to mention that you should always consider adding some squash and stretch on your dynamic game objects (especially bouncing balls, the "hello world" of animation exercises ). It'll give you a huge improvement in game feel. Here's a little example in case you're not familiar with the animation principle! 


Submitted( 2)

Short and sweet but I liked it! The platforming felt solid and the gravity was just right (not too floaty and not too fast). I didn't feel like I had trouble getting around. There was good color choice for the levels so I knew what was walkable and which character was which at a glance. A little background music and some simple stretch and squish animations and other game feel stuff are the only suggestions I have. Good job!

Submitted( 1)

Not a bad little puzzle game at all! Enjoyed my time with this.

The mirror mechanic is quite fun, but the death condition is so unforgiving. I have to reboot the executable every time I lose my 3 hearts, haha. 

NIce sounds effects, save for the lack of repetition or variance. The art is also good, I was able to clearly discern what was what, and what I should be doing.

No music! Somewhat shocking for somebody called PianoPianist, though I'm sure making a jam entry in Pygame of all things left you with little time at all.

Nice submission, genuinely enjoyed it!


Thanks for the feedback!

Blair (Or TheUnknownFusion) had created the music, but I forgot to add it...

I will be updating the game after the voting period ends, and I have worked upon all that in that version 

Thank you for playing!

Submitted( 1)

At first, I didn't understand exactly what was happening, but once I did I realized how clever this conceptual twist is on the typical puzzle/platformer genre. I think opening up possibilities by moving blue into a wall while red moves, or jumping red into a pit, etc, allows for some really clever level design that I enjoyed. Also, if this is made in Pygame, very impressive, I haven't seen a Pygame game that looks this good in a very long time.

Some suggestions if you want to continue a little bit of polish on this:

- SFX/music rework/volume controls, I had to mute the game because it was very loud on my PC

- Tutorial Level, explaining what you have in your submission page

- Restart button after you die

- Consider getting rid of lives system and just restarting the level indefinitely - It can be a little annoying to restart from the beginning every time (also have to close and reopen the game)

- Level Select

I totally understand if this was because you didn't have enough time before the submission deadline though :), really nice jam entry!

Submitted( 1)

Interesting game. Using mirror controls adds another twist on the platforming style. Keep up the good work.

Submitted( 1)

It was really cool to play this!! Enjoyed the puzzles though they were not much hard. The art was also kinda nice. Overall great!

Submitted( 1)

Cool and original concept! Controlling both yourself and the enemy is definitely an interesting mechanic. The art was also pretty nice.

If you expand the game in the future, consider adding a reset button and tweaking the lives system if more levels are added, because losing at the last level and then having to go through all the previous levels just to try it again wouldn't feel very good.

Other than that, the game is really good and could be expanded with new levels in the future.

Submitted( 1)

Nice job!

Like others here, I appreciate the twist on the "mirrored characters" genre by making one of them an enemy. I think this concept works, and if you were to continue this game, I'd like to see it explored even more than you already do.

Submitted( 1)

I'm not sure if you need lives if it's a puzzle game of this kind, doubly so if you don't actually show the lives anywhere? (at least, I didn't see where they were)
But apart from that, it's a neat looking game with some really interesting puzzles!


Developer( 1)

You can see the lives in the upper left corner :D

Thanks for the feedback


ah my bad!

Submitted( 1)

Very cool beginning to the concept. Usually you don't control the enemies and this is a good switch on the common tropes. Good job on the level design to help show off this mechanic

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