This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-03-03 00:00:00 to 2023-05-31 21:00:00. View 15 entries

Make anything for ECO MOFOS!! No ratings, no rules, no bigoted mofos. 

Make an adventure, creature, faction or map for a weirdhope future world.

You can find the current version of ECO MOFOS!! here feel free to grab a community copy if you’re taking part in the jam. 

ECO-MOFOS!! is a mid-future ecopunk ruin-delving survival game, as player characters (PCs or Punks) seek a safe homestead to start a new community, Weirdhope not Grimdark. 

SETTING Around two hundred years ago, everything went to shit. The wealthy, who created this mess, fucked off to Mars while the lucky ones hid in vast underground bunkers. We were left to fend for ourselves on the surface, eeking out an existence in the broken world they left behind, searching for remnants of a past world to help us survive, searching for a place to call home.

Players are a group of misfits who have found each other in the wastes and ruins of the fallen world. The past is just a hazy legend, the story scattered over thousands of usb sticks and servers, but the future is there to be written.

RULES LITE GAMEPLAY based on Into the Odd and Cairn, a tried and tested system perfect for rulings-driven OSR/NSR/FKR gameplay. The text is entirely CC-BY-4.0, so remix and hack to make your own game. I'd love to hear about anything you create.

JAM This is a jam for adventures and modules in this  world, so why not join in by creating a deep bunker delve, finding remnants of our present, or some strange evolved landscape, with treasures to discover. Or just create some cool critters or an odd faction. Let's make a new future.

INSPIRATION You could convert an old D&D module into a weird future world, create a mini-bestiary, draw an NPC. ECO MOFOS!! is CC BY 4.0 so anything derived from it will be too. 

Look at Cairn, The bastardized ClassicsDURF, Vaults of Vaarn for ideas and strategies. 

don’t be a bigoted mofo. 


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Eco-punk rules-light near-future adventure Marked by the Odd
A weirdhope adventure for ECO MOFOS!!
Islandcrawl Procedures for Eco Mofos! & Other Odd-likes
An encounter with two strange communities for Eco Mofos!!
A pamphlet setting for ECO MOFOS or any other sci-fi TTRPG
A pointcrawl worldmap generator for ECO MOFOS!!
Run in browser
Make your own adventures with this handy template for Affinity and InDesign
An adventure location for eco mofos
a wistful encounter for David Blandy's ECO MOFOS
An upgradeable homestead for an Eco Mofo's game jam
A wasteland location for ECOMOFOS
An Eco Mofos dungeon about making psuedo-Essence from human remains
Keep track of your Punk with this pamphlet style scratch pad!
A small artpack made for the eco mofo jam!