I beat the third fight, which I think is the end. I like the combat simulator that you can influence as a healer, but I'm unsure why I can't heal during combat. Having secondary costs to healing inbetween fights is interesting but its unclear what happens if I lose all respect/value. I'd love to see numbers in the main screen rather than the log. What are you planning on adding next?
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A little "You Won" pops up if you beat ten fights, but they're all identical until I get around to adding different types of enemies. That will probably come in the next update or two.
Healing made more sense as a downtime ability from a game design perspective, but it doesn't make a ton of sense in-context. The first bit of story in the game might be a lore explanation for why it can't be done in combat.
More information (numbers included) are going to be in soon, that's been a common feedback.
Thanks for playing.
- put your games in a folder, then zip that, so it looks like "game.zip/game/game.exe"
- put a back button in the options menu: if you can get somewhere using the mouse, you should be able to get out using the mouse too (RMB instead of a back button?)
- why press space to advance text instead of LMB after clicking menu buttons with LMB
- preference: hold the tooltips stable on the hovered icon, no matter where the mouse is on it
- not sure how targets are decided or why I would want to change them since I have the option
- not sure why targets reset after I chose to nuke a single target with all my fighters (have the option to default to nuking even if it's overkill?)
- orange lines aren't mentioned anywhere (I assume it's the cleave skill second target, should branch out of the main green line maybe)
- can't do math on who to hit because can't see numbers and not sure if it's intentional, could be interesting if it is
- let me use numbers not on the numpad
- let me press a number to select which unit to retarget
- two of my guys didn't have a target at the start of a fight
- didn't heal anyone, mage guy lost value still, a real mage
- I'd rather kick the mage than have him cheese into the girl's panties by being low value
- seems like that's caused by using his skill? would be nice to have it disabled by default then
- and they lose vlaue by attacking too seems like, then I'm not sure why value matters much (weird mana?)
- I'm at level 10 and everyone's over 50% health, used heal maybe 4 times and lewd twice, feels too easy, or I'm accidentally playing right, which is less likely
- warrior guy died at level 14, brought him bag to life with raw passion, mage guy miserable about it as usual
- being able to target dead bodies could mean something (heal by eating them?)
- at level 15, just gonna stop targetting and healing to see how it ends
- level 17 (or 18?) everyone's stuck in combat with no health
Seems like most problems stem from you mixing mouse and keyboard inputs. I know most of this can be considered nitpicking, which you can excuse with being early in dev, but if all those things were fixed, I wouldn't care that the art is shit and there's no real visual or audio feedback. I think there's value in a tight combat system with unknown numbers (even if not intended), but I would expect to be able to anticipate outcomes if I pay attention. Seemed pretty elegant in general and will make me play a new version for sure.
I appreciate the nitpicking, thanks! It's good to know even little things that could be improved.
Considering the game will need to be played one-handed in distant future versions, I should really consolidate everything down to just mouse or a handful of keys.
I'm glad to see people making it to double-digit fight numbers. In the pre-abilities version, it was tough to get to even 5 or 6 fights without everyone dying. Hopefully it'll find a balance sweet spot after I add enemies with abilities.
Not sure why party members are losing value so much, they should only losing it from heal-related jealousy and being ordered to change their target/use their abilities. I'll see if I can replicate it - I suspect they may be losing value from their own decision to use their ability.
This is a really interesting concept: being restricted to healing one party member between fights & having to balance whether you think you're going to need access to that member's ability or are worried about another member dying is a very engaging decision process. And in combat I liked being able to see who the enemy is attacking, it reminds me of Into the Breach. It makes combat more into a puzzle & you can decide whether or not you want to use a member's ability in order to maintain his value or not.
I think you know that it needs a lot of development, so I won't nag you too much about the obvious stuff. But I'd like to point out that using spacebar to advance text, the numpad to assign targets, and finally the mouse to click UI elements is going to be awkward for a guy playing this with just his left hand ;) Also I'd like to have a bigger & scrollable battlelog, when enemies are KO'd they should disappear from the initiative list, and when enemies are stunned so they're not attacking the lines of who they were planning to attacking should either be removed entirely or faded-out. And considering that whole combat-as-a-puzzle thing I brought up earlier, I'd like to aim divine protection. There were a couple instances where, after using Flash (very clever name btw), only one of my party members would be attacked, or I'd have the warrior taunt instead of attack in hopes of drawing multiple hits, in these scenarios I would like to aim it at my specific party members instead of just clicking it and it protecting God knows who.
I found a mean bug in my playthrough: if I toggle a member's ability I never regain value I lost after I unselect the ability. So at the moment if a member's ability is selected frequently (because I'm dumb and I kept on clicking it >_<) value gets rapidly drained. And I just don't know if the barbarian's cleave actually targeted two enemies whenever I used it. If it does I'd like to target the other enemy specifically, file this request under the same category as "aiming divine protection".
But yeah, I'm looking forward to how this gets developed further. I say during my playthrough that I think it'd be cool if there were relationships between the other party members--say the warrior & wizard are friends, so if you heal the warrior not only would his value & respect meters go up, but the wizard's meters would go up a bit as well. Likewise you could have rivalries along with friendships, which would give the opposite effect. Say the warrior & barbarian are rivals: heal the warrior & the barbarian's value drops loads. And judging by the campfire scene you seem to be planning on having small vignettes, maybe these could further develop relationships between your party? Personally, this seems like an addition that could add another layer to the whole "whomstve do I heal?" decision making process that happens before each fight--or I could be dumb as bricks. Ultimately this seems pretty early on in the development process so take it wherever you want!
Here's the video of my playthrough, I hope it helps!
P.S. Mea culpa, I forgot to scooch my mic up closer to me when I started recording, so the first 3 minutes are quite quiet.
Thanks for the suggestions on controls and UI, I had almost forgotten about the state of the initiative display with all the other features that need tending.
Cleave and Divine Protection are targeted abilities, so you have to click on who you want them to affect. I'll try to make this clearer in the future, maybe with a mouse cursor icon.
Party member relationships (as well as more in depth relationships with the player) were suggested a while ago, and I definitely plan to implement them. It might be a few versions away, since I want to have the mechanics all smooth before I dive into story and characters.
Thanks for playing.
I absolutely love the concept.
The game, not so much yet.
It's way too rough, the battles are confusing and I'm just going though them without paying much attention because there's no feedback or animations, so I've no idea what's actually happening.
Still, the concept is godlike and there's A LOT you can do if you take it the right direction. Hire a good artist and work on the UI. Maybe slap a nice plot and you'll be raking in the big bucks.
I'm pretty sure this game was called HealSlut. I think HealSlut is much more memorable title for a hentai game.
The game did not crash for me unlike for some people, but that might be because I played differently. I was not entirely sure what to do. I know you don't directly control your party members, and as a player, you just choose which character the healer girl should heal.
I know you can click on character skills, but I was not getting much feedback from them, besides the border just changing colour. Maybe it made the difference in the battle log, but it goes by so fast, I was not able to read it. I have absolutely no clue what the boxes with numbers in them did, and what the numbers indicate. I think the core gameplay loop seems interesting, and there are many ways you can build on top of the game depending on in what direction you want to take it. Right now, the game feels very random. I like being more in control, but I don't mean party members should take commands. I think it's actually cool you don't control the party members.
I look forward to seeing how you improve the game, and I assume you are going to have different art in future.
Thanks for playing. Not sure which version you downloaded, I put up a patch recently which should have removed the crash people kept having.
I appreciate the feedback on which parts of the (temporary) UI are confusing. The number boxes just display the party member's target, which can be changed by clicking on them then hitting NumPad 1-4. Abilities are just activated when in color and will be used on that party member's turn. As far as battle speed, right now it only comes with 2 options. Painfully slow, and way too fast. I'll probably just make it a slider in the next version. It can be changed in the Options menu (ESC).
Party members can be given commands, but it costs Value to do so, so it's not something to do every time. That said, I keep encountering bugs where it doesn't cost value in certain situations.
Art coming as soon as I can scrape together enough to commission an artist or learn2draw.
I downloaded some jam games, and played them offline at home, because I have no internet, so it was probably the version before the patch.
>The number boxes just display the party member's target, which can be changed by clicking on them then hitting NumPad 1-4
yeah, I had no idea.
>As far as battle speed, right now it only comes with 2 options. Painfully slow, and way too fast. I'll probably just make it a slider in the next version. It can be changed in the Options menu
I think it would be cool if you could control that with a button click, as in every time you click you progress the battle by one action, but it is definitely not that important.
I honestly thought the "Value" was just Magic Points, and you forgot to rename it.
Interesting concept but still rough around the edges. Would benefit a lot from respecting the player's time more - as it stands a turn takes a lot of time to play out. The combat speed could easily be twice as fast and I'd still think it too slow. Allies also can't die? My barb-bro dropped to no visible health, and I was able to just heal him on the next screen. I played the game with the idea that if anyone drops to 0, I'm done for - maybe it's a conscious decision but it could use some detailing so the player knows what the limits are.
Final score: Boobs too small / 10
I’ll make it more obvious in the future that the turn speed can be adjusted in the options menu. The UI being opaque is a common complaint, so it’s a priority.
The intention is that you only lose when all party members hit 0, but allies with no health don’t take turns and can’t be targeted for attacks, so it’s good to keep them alive. I’ll include that in a future how-to-play.
Thanks for playing.
It also was a bit too much information on the screen at a time, the lines were confusing to me and I'm not really sure what pressing each button would do. I like the concept of "Respect" being a bar though lol, would love to play this again with the bugs ironed out
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