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Hail! Who goes there? An imminent update!


It's been a while since we've talked, months in fact. During this time, I have moved across the country and started a wonderful new job. In short, the Lord has blessed me immensely and in ways I could not have dreamed! On top of that, Of Knights & Quests quietly scoots along with the occasional purchase or download, and my life is very good.

That said, I am not content to sit on my laurels. I am working on an update that should make the game just a bit better, a bit more intuitive, and ultimately much prettier to look at and read. The current edition is very succinct, perhaps too succinct. I always wanted K&Q to be playable by the newcomer to the hobby, to gaming, as well as by seasoned veterans of many a miniature campaign. I work to ensure that rules are written assuming you have no idea what I am talking about, as many conventions and habits are sort of just baked into my brain by now. But still, it is an unending task.

Rather than prattle on forever, I am going to share some screenshots of the work in progress. I am adding a Renown cost to everything: some options will be better than others, or worse, but will have to be paid for. This allows for better and more meaningful customization. I'm working on better language and refining some rule concepts: rather than modifying the dice roll, the attributes such as Prowess and Save will be modified directly to a lowest possibility of 6+ or a highest possibility of 2+. This means that you always have a chance to make an attack, grab the treasure, or make a save. Prowess is the combined attribute for "Attack" and "Do Something"... having them separate was OK, but it also meant that I had to design every scenario with "Do Something" in mind, and half of the figures simply weren't worth taking.

Enough talk, here's some previews (none of this is final, of course).

You can see the refined language in use here. Each weapon should have half a page with pictures, examples, some historical uses, and the like.

I have expanded armor back out to have three full types again, and this should be a two-page spread more fully detailing exactly what each class entails. Light armor would be things like a buff coat or the historically questionable yet ubiquitous-in-fantasy leather armor. Medium armor is what most men would have, ranging from breastplates and helmets to chainmail coats. Heavy armor is a class of its own, reserved for plate armor or ancient bronze panoplies or even the steel skin of metallic creatures.

One of the biggest changes is consolidating the character archetypes down (as a result of Attack and Do Something merging into Prowess). Each character archetype will also have a full-page spread with their attributes, a bit of history on the archetype (such as real-world inspiration), and examples on how to use the archetype in game. For example, Rabble could be peasants, poorly trained militia, mindless creatures like animated skeletons, etc!

As much as a reminder as anything, this summarizes activations. I've changed the Joker to providing an extra action for the activated character: I've never been too fond of too many modifiers to numbers. Language is cleaned up considerably.

There you have it! Watch this space, I'm planning to get this next revision completed by the end of the year.

God bless!

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