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Quincy Troupe

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Quincy Thomas Troupe Jr. (Saint Louis, 22 luglio 1939) è un poeta, scrittore e giornalista statunitense.

Troupe è famoso anche al di fuori dell'ambito poetico e letterario per essere stato il biografo di Miles Davis.

  • The Architecture of Language, poems, Coffee House Press, (October 2006)
  • Little Stevie Wonder, A children's book, Houghton-Mifflin, (March, 2005)
  • Transcircularities; New and Selected Poems, Coffee House Press, October, 2002
  • Take it to the hoop Magic Johnson, a children's book published by Jump At The Sun, a division of Hyperion/Disney Books of Children, 2001
  • Miles and Me; A Memoir. Hardcover edition, University of California Press, 2000
  • Choruses, poems, Coffee House Press, 1999
  • Avalanche, poems, Coffee House Press, 1996
  • Weather Reports: New and Selected Poems, Harlem River Press, New York and London, 1991
  • Miles: The Autobiography of Miles Davis with Quincy Troupe, Co-author, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1989
  • James Baldwin: The Legacy, Quincy Troupe, ed., Touchstone Press (Simon & Schuster), New York 1989
  • Skulls Along the River, poems, Quincy Troupe, I. Reed Books, New York, 1984
  • Snake-Back Solos: Selected Poems 1969-1977, Quincy Troupe, I. Reed Books, New York, 1979
  • The Inside Story of TV's Roots, Quincy Troupe and David L. Wolper, Warner Books, New York, 1978
  • Giant Talk: An Anthology of Third World Writing, Rainer Schulte and Quincy Troupe, eds., Random House, New York, 1972
  • Embryo, Quincy Troupe, Balenmir House, New York, 1972
  • Watts Poets and Writers, Quincy Troupe, ed., House of Respect, California, 1968

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