Post di Arrow Diagnostics

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🎉Ecco un piccolo riepilogo della fantastica serie di conferenze accademiche online di iFungi Scientist del 15 giugno 2024!🌍   Era Biology e #iFungi hanno co-ospitato con successo questo straordinario evento e sono stati discussi gli argomenti più importanti relativi alle infezioni fungine invasive (#IFD). Trovate tutto nel post originale di Era Biology.

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🎉Here’s a little recap of the fantastic iFungi Scientist Online Academic Conference Series on June 15, 2024 !🌍 Era Biology and iFungi successfully co-hosted this amazing event, and the hottest topics related to IFD were discussed; let’s take a look at the key highlights: 🔍Diagnosing Fungal Infections: 👤Prof. Kutsevalova Olga Yurievna 🏢National Medical Research Center of Oncology Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Prof. Kutsevalova Olga Yurievna deliberated different diagnostic methods for various fungal infections: Invasive Candidiasis: Culture, Fungus 1-3-β-D (BDG test.) Invasive Aspergillosis: Culture (for tissue biopsies, BALF, sputum, necrotic tissue, nasal lavage samples), Aspergillus galactomannan (GM test), and BDG test (for blood, BALF, sinus lavage samples). Pneumocystis Infection: BDG test, PCR, microscopy for BALF, blood, lung tissue biopsies. Cryptococcal Infection: Microscopy, PCR, Cryptococcal capsular polysaccharide (LFA) for CSF and BALF samples. 🔬 Exploring the Complex Iron Regulation Network in Cryptococcus neoformans: 👤Prof.Peng Xue 🏫The School of Public Health at NanTong University  Prof. Peng Xue explained the complex correlation between pathogenic factors (capsular polysaccharide, thermotolerance - ability to grow at 37°C, cell wall-associated melanin) and iron elements in Cryptococcus neoformans. From a molecular biology perspective, he also clarified the regulatory mechanisms involved in iron acquisition and maintaining iron homeostasis in this fungus. 🧬Molecular Diagnostics and Genomics: 👤Prof. Yinggai Song 🏥Peking University First Hospital Prof. Yinggai Song underscored the broad application of molecular diagnostic technologies in diagnosing invasive fungal diseases, including IHC, FISH, and real-time PCR. tNGS: Utilized for identifying pathogens in challenging patient cases and people with severe infections. Genomics and RNAseq: Employed for detecting virulence factors, fitness, and significant genetic and expression disparities in strains. Fungal Resistance: Highlighted the clinical significance of fungal resistance and the prospective role of genomics in antifungal resistance research. During the webinar, Prof.Song pointed out the significance of the culture-independent diagnosis methods for invasive fungal diseases. For invasive aspergillus infections, Peking University First Hospital has carried out the aspergillus galactomannan test(GM test), including the ELISA assay and Era Biology’s FungiXpert®️ CLIA assay. With the application of CLIA monotest assay and full-auto instrument FACIS-I, the lab has reduced turnaround time, labor cost, and reagent waste.  #EraBiology #iFungi #innovationforbetterhealth #webinar #MycologyForum #FungalResearch #ScientificForum

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