Project Officer (Agrifood Systems)

FAO Rome
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Organizational Setting

The position is located at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy, in the Agrifood Systems and Food Safety Division (ESF) of the Economic and Social Development Stream. The Division provides strategic leadership for FAO's support to Member Nations in the development of more sustainable agrifood systems. Working in close coordination with other technical units at headquarters and the Decentralized Offices, the Division is tasked with integrating FAO's scientific and economic analyses to provide improved policy guidance and targeted investment in agrifood systems. Bringing together FAO's longstanding experience and capacities in strengthening food safety systems and quality control with its technical support to Member Nations in the areas of value chain development, agroindustry and agribusiness enterprise development, urban food systems and food loss and waste, the Division integrates and extends food systems support across the Organization.

ESF leads the implementation of the project Support to the work of the 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems Programme. This 3-year project aims to contribute to accelerating agrifood systems transformation in the context of the Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Programme of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP). The SFS Programme is a multi-actor partnership focused on catalysing urgent transformation towards sustainable food systems, as a critical strategy to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Through a shared vision of inclusive, diverse, resilient, healthy and sustainable food systems, its members and partners collaborate on joint on-the-ground activities, research initiatives and advocacy efforts in support of more coherent and holistic policies to address complex food systems challenges. To do this, the SFS Programme promotes a 'systems-based' approach, which tackles the food system as a whole, taking into account the interconnections between the elements and actors of our food systems and the indispensable trade-offs. Building on the momentum of the UN Food Systems Summit 2 and Conference Of the Parties 28 and the increasing acknowledgment by leaders and stakeholders of the need to enhance pathways for food systems transformation by linking these with other national strategies and plans around climate, biodiversity, finance, and nutrition, the SFS Programme Working Group on 'Support the Implementation of Food Systems Pathways' is focusing its activities on supporting the connection of food systems pathways more deeply with Nationally Determined Contributions, National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans and other sector strategies and action plans at country level.

Reporting Lines

The Project Officer (Agrifood Systems) reports to the Policy Officer, ESF.

Technical Focus

The Project Officer (Agrifood Systems) will provide support to the overall leadership and management of the Support to the work of the 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems Programme project, including to the leadership of the Working Group (WG) 'Support the Implementation of Food Systems Pathways.

Key Results

Collection and analysis of information, data and statistics and project/meeting services to support programme projects, products and services.

Key Functions

  • Collects and analyses relevant technical, social, economic, environmental, institutional and technology related information, data and/or statistics to support the delivery of programme projects, products and services.
  • Undertakes analysis, provides technical input for plans and reports and edits/revises technical/scientific documents.
  • Participates in the development of improved work methods, tools and systems.
  • Updates databases and web pages.
  • Participates in multidisciplinary project/work teams.
  • Collaborates in the development of training tools and materials and the organization of workshops/seminars, etc.
  • Participates in the organization, conduct, follow-up of meetings, consultations and conferences, the development/production of required materials and the provision of information and assistance to partners.

Specific Functions

  • Supports the project 'Support to the work of the 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems Programme’, ensuring effective coordination and collaboration with relevant partners of the SFS Programme, including the COP28 Presidency and the Technical Cooperation Collaborative (TCC), the Convergence Initiative, the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, the Coalitions and other relevant partners.
  • Supports the development of annual project workplans, supports their implementation and monitoring, adapting based on lessons learned and new opportunities where needed/useful; monitors performance assessment and reports on programme activities.
  • Supports the facilitation of the Working Group (WG) 'Support the Implementation of Food Systems Pathways’, including support to organizing WG meetings, mobilizing members to deliver on the WG's work plan, organizing learning events, workshops, trainings and seminars across all countries and regions; and coordinates information sharing.
  • Supports the development of knowledge products (including an inventory of resources, case studies, technical notes, toolkits, recommendations, etc.) in collaboration with WG members and the COP28 Presidency, TCC and UN Food Systems Coordination Hub.
  • Assembles and synthesizes data from workshops and learnings from the WG to help document stories and best practices and to facilitate the development of materials including briefs and technical products to document the insights.
  • Provides technical support to stakeholders at global, national and local levels to strengthen capacities for decision-making about agrifood systems policies and interventions and supports the development of governance structures and institutional processes.
  • Identifies individual and organizational experts in agrifood systems development to support project implementation, develops and manages contracts with them.
  • Supports outreach and communication activities related to the project (including interactions with the donor partner, the Federal Office for Agriculture of Switzerland), as well as opportunities for intra- and inter-organizational dialogue and sharing of good practices.
  • Supports the gender mainstreaming in all project activities and products, for the achievement of gender-related targets and objectives and for gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation.



Minimum Requirements

  • Advanced university degree in agrifood systems, political sciences, development studies, agricultural economics, social sciences, environmental sciences, sustainable agriculture, or related field.
  • Three years of relevant experience in programme/project support and management in agrifood systems at a global level.
  • Working knowledge (proficient - level C) of English and limited knowledge (intermediate - level B) of one of the other official FAO languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish).


  • Results Focus
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Building effective relationships
  • Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement

Technical/Functional Skills

  • Extent and relevance of experience in programme/project management, as well as in the identification and formulation of programme and project proposals.
  • Extent and relevance of knowledge and experience in technical and policy matters related to food systems, including normative and field-support work.
  • Demonstrable skills and experience in supporting capacity building and in the organization and facilitation of learning events, webinars, workshops and meetings.
  • Understanding of FAO policies and programmes and of UN and related agencies is considered an asset.
  • Experience with country-level challenges in intersectoral policymaking and governance is considered an asset.
  • Work experience in more than one location or area of work, particularly in field positions, is considered an asset.

Job Posting


Closure Date

25/Jul/2024, 3:59:00 PM

Organizational Unit


Job Type

Staff position

Type of Requisition

Professional Project

Grade Level


Primary Location



Fixed-term: one year with possibility of extension

Post Number




IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that Closure Date and Time displayed above are based on date and time settings of your personal device

The length of appointment for internal FAO candidates will be established in accordance with applicable policies pertaining to the extension of appointments


  • FAO is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality, background and culture
  • Qualified female applicants, qualified nationals of non-and under-represented Members and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply
  • Everyone who works for FAO is required to adhere to the highest standards of integrity and professional conduct, and to uphold FAO's values
  • FAO, as a Specialized Agency of the United Nations, has a zero-tolerance policy for conduct that is incompatible with its status, objectives and mandate, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination
  • All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks
  • All applications will be treated with the strictest confidentiality
  • FAO staff are subject to the authority of the Director-General, who may assign them to any of the activities or offices of the Organization.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) contributes to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through the FAO Strategic Framework by supporting the transformation to MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems, for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind.
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    Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro

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