Marco Camisani-Calzolari

Marco Camisani-Calzolari

47.093 follower Oltre 500 collegamenti


He has been involved in the digital sector since 1994, establishing himself as a pioneer in Italy. He is a University adj.professor, consultant, author, scientific communicator and public figure. Alongside a consolidated Academic career, over the year he has held numerous Institutional roles, including the recent role in the Prime Minister’s Office as Member in the Committee for the definition of the Italy's Artificial Intelligence strategies. He is currently a digital correspondent for Striscia La Notizia, a testimonial for the Postal Police for prevention and awareness campaigns on online risks, as well as a consultant for the Department of Digital Transformation.
As a book writer he has authored several books about Digital Strategy. He is a contributor to many magazines, radio and television channels with regard to digital topics.


Articoli di Marco

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  • Grafico Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale
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    Milan, Lombardy, Italy

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    Brussels Metropolitan Area

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    Rome, Latium, Italy

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    Milan, Lombardy, Italy

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    national and international

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    London, United Kingdom

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    Pavia Area, Italy

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    London, United Kingdom

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    London, United Kingdom

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    London, United Kingdom

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    Milan Area, Italy

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    Milan Area, Italy

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    Milan Area, Italy

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    Milan Area, Italy

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Esperienze di volontariato

  • Charity work in education

    several schools

    • Kensington Aldridge Academy, UK
    • City and Islington Sixth Form College, UK
    • Victoria Centre, London, UK
    • Westminster Kingsway College, UK
    • All Saints Catholic School and technology college, UK
    • Holland Park School, UK
    • Kensington Aldridge Academy, UK
    • Rosedale College, UK
    • Dagenham Park CofE school, UK
    • Brentford School for girls, UK


  • Cyberumanesimo

    Il Sole 24 Ore

    Intelligenza artificiale, etica, democrazie a rischio e lavori rubati dai robot. Che cosa fare per tenere sempre l’uomo al centro? Viviamo in un’epoca di continui cambiamenti, in cui le tecnologie digitali stanno ridefinendo radicalmente il nostro modo di vivere, lavorare e pensare. L’intelligenza artificiale sta rivoluzionando a una velocità esponenziale la nostra capacità di elaborare informazioni e prendere decisioni. Tuttavia, mentre abbracciamo queste innovazioni, è cruciale considerarne…

    Intelligenza artificiale, etica, democrazie a rischio e lavori rubati dai robot. Che cosa fare per tenere sempre l’uomo al centro? Viviamo in un’epoca di continui cambiamenti, in cui le tecnologie digitali stanno ridefinendo radicalmente il nostro modo di vivere, lavorare e pensare. L’intelligenza artificiale sta rivoluzionando a una velocità esponenziale la nostra capacità di elaborare informazioni e prendere decisioni. Tuttavia, mentre abbracciamo queste innovazioni, è cruciale considerarne le implicazioni etiche e sociali. Chi è responsabile quando un algoritmo fallisce? Quanto dovremmo affidarci all'IA per decisioni cruciali? E soprattutto, quali sono le implicazioni per l'essere umano in un mondo sempre più dominato dal digitale? In questa nuova era, è essenziale un approccio umanistico rinnovato, un Cyberumanesimo che integri l'etica sin dalla fase di progettazione. Dobbiamo reclamare il controllo sulla tecnologia senza perdere di vista i valori umani fondamentali. Il futuro è qui, e dobbiamo plasmarlo in modo responsabile e consapevole, affinché non siano le macchine a decidere per noi."

    Vedi pubblicazione
  • The Back Home Strategy


    “The Back Home Strategy”
    Salvation from Facebook, fake clicks, bots and other lies.
    A survival guide for those who thought that
    a social network is all it takes to do digital marketing.

    Vedi pubblicazione
  • Impresa 4.0

    Pearson / Financial Times

    A book about the new web and digital marketing

    Vedi pubblicazione

Riconoscimenti e premi

  • Poliziotto ad honorem

    Capo della Polizia - Direttore Generale della Pubblica Sicurezza

    Awarded by the State Police as an "Honorary Police Officer" for his ongoing commitment to combating cybercrimes and promoting a culture of digital security (2024).

  • Cavaliere della Repubblica (dell'Ordine della Stella d'Italia)

    Presidente della Repubblica Italiana

    Cavaliere della Repubblica (dell'Ordine della Stella d'Italia)

  • ated Digital Night - the talents revolutionizing the digital world


    MCC received this award for having narrated over the years the risks and opportunities associated with technology and innovation

  • Salvator Mundi Award


    Awarded with the "Salvator Mundi" price, for his important contribution to scientific dissemination.

  • Best television scientific disseminator

    TV AWARD Novella/Virgo

    “For his extraordinary efforts to make science accessible and understandable to a wide audience. Through his efforts, he has made scientific knowledge engaging and exciting for people of all ages and educational levels”

  • Best TV science communicator

    PensieroSolido Foundation

  • Freedom of the City of London

    City of London

    One of English oldest tradition, “Freedom of the city” it is an honour granted to people who have given an exceptional contribution to the city. Marco received the “Freedom of the City of London” for his activities in the field of digital.

  • Marco Camisani Calzolari: The Digital Renaissance Man

    UCL - University of Central London

    The UCL Case Study about “Marco Camisani Calzolari: The Digital Renaissance Man” presents the story of Marco and the way in which he democratised the digital world and technology, making them more accessible to Italians.

  • Excellence in communication award

    Centro Studi Comunicazione Cogno

  • Interactive Key award for producing the talking website

    Interactive Key Award

    With Speakage he won the Interactive Key award for producing the talking website

  • Mediastar Price


    In 1998 he was awarded the Mediastar prize for producing the Radio 105 website.

  • Il Sole 24 ore WWW award

    Il Sole 24 ore

    The MTV website that he designed won the Il Sole 24 ore WWW award.


  • Italian

    Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue

  • English

    Conoscenza professionale completa

  • French

    Conoscenza lavorativa limitata

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