Project Cities

Project Cities

Venezia Mestre, Veneto, Italia
4202 follower Oltre 500 collegamenti


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This Linkedin profile page, all its related pages and profiles, and all publication hereto reflects the views only of the author, and all partners of the project Cities2030 and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The main goal of Cities2030 is to future proof an effective cities and regions food system (CRFS) via a connected structure centered in the citizen, built on trust, with partners encompassing the entire CRFS.

CRFS demand immediate action. Cities2030 proposes consumers must be at the core of solutions.
More than 7.7 billion consumers hold the power to shift 100-year old consumption patterns to meet the requirements for an improved future.

The challenges: population overgrowth, rapid urbanisation, vast migration phenomena, climate change and resources scarcity.

Over 4 years, 41 pan-European partners commit to work towards the transformation and restructuring of the way systems produce, transport and supply, recycle and reuse food in the 21st century.

Cities2030 vision is to connect short food supply chains, gathering consumers, strategic and complement industry partners, the civil society, promising start-ups and enterprises, innovators and visionary thinkers, leading universities and research across the vast diversity of disciplines addressing CRFS, including food science, social science and big data.

Cities and regions will improve resilience and sustainability, and their leadership will create short food supply chain and ecosystems enabling local investments, cross borders and transnational deployment.

A blockchain-based data-driven CRFS management platform will secure intelligence and coordination actions by delivering an accurate, almost real-time digital twin of the whole supply chain, e.g. from production to waste management, but also on four key enablers of resilience and sustainability: security, ecosystem services, livelihood (e.g. growth) and equity (e.g. inclusivity).

Cities2030 demonstrates and deploys an actionable roadmap to structure, accelerate and sustain transforming CRFS towards the democratization and implementation of sustainable urban food system practice.

Cities2030 activates, accelerates, structures and generates 9 front-runners EU cities pilots and 2 regions, whilst establishing corresponding numbers of policy and living labs, and further deploys to a total of 50 EU cities pilots by 16.10.2024 on the World Food Day that year.


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  • Cities2030

    Venice, Veneto, Italy


  • 'Co-creating resilient and sustainable food systems towards FOOD2030' (Cities2030)

    - Presente

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This Linkedin profile page, all its related pages and profiles, and all publication hereto reflects the views only of the author, and all partners of the project 'cities2030' and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

    The main goal of 'cities2030' is to future proof an effective cities and regions food system (CRFS) via a connected…

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This Linkedin profile page, all its related pages and profiles, and all publication hereto reflects the views only of the author, and all partners of the project 'cities2030' and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

    The main goal of 'cities2030' is to future proof an effective cities and regions food system (CRFS) via a connected structure centered in the citizen, built on trust, with partners encompassing the entire CRFS.
    CRFS demand immediate action. 'cities2030' proposes consumers must be at the core of solutions. Over 4 years, 41 pan-European partners commit to work towards the transformation and restructuring of the way systems produce, transport and supply, recycle and reuse food in the 21st century.
    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101000640.

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