

Piattaforme di Business intelligence

Exploring what the world thinks, every day.

Chi siamo

Non ci limitiamo a raccogliere dati, li connettiamo. YouGov è un gruppo internazionale di analisi e ricerche di mercato. La nostra catena del valore consiste in un panel online altamente responsivo, metodi d raccolta dati innovativi, potenti strumenti d’analisi, insight dei nostri esperi ed una presenza mediale autorevole. I nostri dati provengono da un panel proprietario altamente partecipativo di oltre 11 milioni di persone in tutto il mondo, che ci fornisce flussi di dati continui e in diretta. La nostra ampia gamma di piattaforme raccoglie quotidianamente questi dati che unifichiamo in YouGov Cube, una libreria unica al mondo. Massimizziamo il valore dei dati connessi grazie alle nostre tecnologie all'avanguardia e una forte esperienza nelle ricerche di mercato, permettendoci di fornire ai nostri clienti una piattaforma di ricerca innovativa per creare, migliorare e ridefinire qualsiasi tipo di campagna o azione di marketing. Fondata nel Regno Unito nel 2000, YouGov è considerata il pioniere delle ricerche di mercato online. Il nostro modello online unico e completamente integrato ha un track record ben documentato, che riflette l'accuratezza dei nostri metodi di indagine e, a sua volta, dimostra la qualità del nostro servizio al cliente. Conduciamo analisi e studi in tutto il mondo, ed il nostro modello ci permette di fornire ai clienti risultati internazionali in modo più rapido ed economico rispetto ai metodi tradizionali, senza compromettere la qualità. YouGov ha sedi in Europa, Regno Unito, USA, MENA e APAC. Il nostro obiettivo primario è capire la vostra organizzazione, il mondo che vi circonda e il settore in cui lavorate: questo ci permette di fornirvi un volume continuo di dati ed insight accurati, insieme a una visione globale di ciò che le persone pensano e fanno nel mondo.

Sito Web
Piattaforme di Business intelligence
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1001 - 5000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Omnibus Surveys, Consulting Services, Brand Tracking, Advertising Effectiveness, Qualitative Research Services, Stakeholder Consultation, Market Research, Quantitative Research Services, Self-Serve Surveys, Surveys, Survey building, Panel, Audience Research e Consumer Profiles



Dipendenti presso YouGov


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    🇺🇸🏅 37% of Americans are interested in the upcoming 2024 Summer Olympics. Who are they, and how are they planning to follow the Games? 🏆 In YouGov’s latest report, we compare America’s interest in the Games against 11 key international markets, exploring demographic engagement trends, viewing behaviors and motivations for watching, as well as revealing the most anticipated Olympic sports.    And, no, Pickleball is not an Olympic sport! Grab your copy 👉   Among the findings:  *The Olympics has widespread appeal, with relatively consistent interest levels across all age groups – especially in the US  *18–24-year-olds are more influenced by their family/friends to watch the Summer Olympics, whereas older fans feel a stronger sense of national pride and desire to witness athletic feats  *Live TV viewing and shorter form recap content will be the most popular ways to engage with the Games  *Swimming, gymnastics, diving, basketball and beach volleyball are Americans' five most anticipated Summer Olympics sports. How do these stats vary between men and women, and among Americans of different age groups? 👉 Download the full report here:  

    • Podium perspectives: Global Summer Olympics report 2024

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    📲 Gen Z are 8x more likely than Baby Boomers to trust products from celebrities and influencers. How else do different generations respond to what they see on social media? How much money do Instagram users make? Why do people use TikTok? 👉 Explore all this and more in YouGov’s new social media report (And sorry, LinkedIn, you aren’t in this one, but get in touch and we’d be happy to do a deep dive on LinkedIn-ers too!).

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    After a very late night following the UK general election results, it’s clear that YouGov’s final projection of our MRP model properly told the story of the 2024 election. We called 92% of the seats correctly, and our model correctly projected: -  Labour’s landslide victory -  The extent of the Conservative vote collapse -  The nearly perfect projection of Liberal Democrat seats -  The Green party and Reform UK as growing electoral forces This was not a straightforward election. The electorate has shifted significantly over the last decade in a number of ways and various voter groups that were previously closely aligned to particular parties have become unmoored. A related point is that the 2019 Tory election-winning coalition – a unique blend of north and south cultural and economic conservatives and liberals – has fragmented beyond recognition in the past five years, with each of Labour, Reform UK, the Liberal Democrats, and the Greens benefiting. All of this made political modelling for the 2024 election especially difficult. However, a number of factors helped us. One of the most significant was a market-leading and completely new innovation; our “unwinding” algorithm which helped us deal with the unique, high-change situation which the data was pointing toward and for which we had no precedent or prior data to help guide us. Another was the quality of our data. Machine learning models such as MRP work best when high quality data is fed into the model. Because YouGov owns our own panel, we have a unique relationship with the people taking our surveys and have a deep understanding of who our panellists are. This helps us build and execute market-leading models at scale which can also be used for our clients to answer their own business challenges. There are things in the results that we will need to build into our future work. As a data and analytics business, we constantly look for ways to improve our methods and we will be doing a thorough review of any areas where we can take learnings from for next time to make our MRP even more accurate and how we can apply our success into other areas of YouGov’s work. Read more about YouGov’s projections compared to the election results and learn more about what made our MRP model work so well:

    How YouGov's seat and vote projections fared at the 2024 UK general election | YouGov

    How YouGov's seat and vote projections fared at the 2024 UK general election | YouGov

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    🔍 📰 The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism's Digital News Report, which is based on a YouGov survey covering 47 markets, highlights the growing influence of video platforms and messaging apps for news consumption. Our latest article breaks down which platforms are most popular for news consumption across a variety of markets and demographics. 👇Read the article below to see how these trends vary from country to country:

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di YouGov, immagine

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    What do undecided voters want? Over the 2024 general election campaign, YouGov’s Qualitative team have been getting to the heart of what the public really think about the UK’s major political parties and the issues driving their decisions as they head to the ballot box on 4 July. One example of this work is the Sky News YouGov Voters Panel – an online community that represents over 40 different seats across the UK and reflects a wide range of demographics and political opinions. While some panellists expressed concern about the Conservatives attempting to “consolidate the grey vote,” others also posed questions about how Labour would fund its headline pledges. To learn more about what undecided voters think about the party manifestos, visit: 📺 Please join us in hearing what our Voters Panel have to say – tune in next week on Sky to hear the views of undecided voters and see the power of YouGov Qualitative research in action. 

    General Election 2024: What undecided voters think – in their own words | YouGov

    General Election 2024: What undecided voters think – in their own words | YouGov

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    HSBC is Singapore’s Biggest Brand Mover last month! Congratulations for securing the top spot in May. We would also like to extend our congratulations to Samsung Electronics Singapore, Visa, Spotify and PayPal for making it into our Top 5. Our monthly rankings cast a light on who’s performing best with our flagship product, BrandIndex. Want to know where your brand stands? Read more in our article and download the full report:

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    📲 While plenty of social media upstarts have come and gone, the main players remain relatively consistent. Does each social platform’s membership remain the same as well? 📊 YouGov's latest report dives into the data, revealing the latest audience makeup for the top social networks, with deep dives into generational and gender differences. Grab your copy here:

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     🎉 YouGov’s second annual Workforce Diversity Report is here!  🎉 Investing in Diversity & Inclusion is core to our purpose to give the world a voice. We cannot achieve this externally if it is not reflected internally. 📣 To help us better understand our workforce and implement tailored initiatives that meet employee needs, we run our "Count Me In” campaign bi-annually. The “Count Me In” campaign invites YouGovers to voluntarily disclose and update their demographic data. 👉 Download the 2024 Workforce Diversity Report to learn about our strategy and initiatives to champion a diverse workforce and an inclusive workplace. Disclaimer: Our data collection approach varies by market location, complying with local employment and data privacy laws or conventions.

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    The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism has released the 2024 Digital News Report, which is based on a YouGov survey covering 47 markets that together account for more than half the world’s population. The report provides an in-depth analysis of how the digital news landscape is evolving. Our latest article pulls out three key insights from the report, including that people are actively avoiding the news in many places around the world. 👉 Read the article and download the full report here! 

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