World Vision

World Vision

Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro

Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness. Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so.

Chi siamo

World Vision is the largest child-focused private charity in the world. Our 34,000 staff members working in nearly 100 countries have united with our incredible supporters to impact the lives of over 200 million vulnerable children by tackling the root causes of poverty. Through World Vision every 60 seconds…a family gets water…a hungry child is fed…a family receives the tools to overcome poverty. Motivated by our faith and guided by our deep experience and expertise, we are a Christian humanitarian, development and advocacy organisation devoted to improving the lives of children, families and their communities around the world and creating lasting impact that will live on in generations to come. We serve all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.

Sito Web
Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro
Dimensioni dell’azienda
Oltre 10.001 dipendenti
Sede principale
Non profit
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
International Development, Advocacy, Emergency Relief, Education & Lifeskills, Health, Child Protection - Anti Trafficking - Child Labour, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, nonprofit, humanitarian e emergency relief


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