VisMederi Group

VisMederi Group

Ricerca biotecnologica

Siena, Tosc. 4.962 follower

We prove. You improve.

Chi siamo

VisMederi is a research and qualified services company operating in the field of Life Sciences and Public Health. The VisMederi company was established in 2009 by researchers who joined their common ideas and invested their own resources and skills into life science, with particular regard to public health. Good organization and planning of activities undertaken by groups of researchers working on scientific, biologic and medical projects is time consuming and requires many resources; however it is also a guarantee of excellent results. VisMederi focuses on the organization and management of protocols used in basic, applicative and clinical research. Of particular relevance to the company are clinical studies which constitute a progress in the development and assessment of preventive measures such as vaccines and therapies. VisMederi aims at providing technical support during the study planning phase, the monitoring process, the data elaboration and the intermediate and final report drafting phases according to the international guidelines. Moreover, VisMederi invests in the education of personnel by organizing specific courses in cooperation with international centers and universities. VisMederi works both with the public and private sectors in cooperation with qualified Companies and enterprises. VisMederi provides greater value to its clients than a conventional contract research organization while working with customers to understand their needs and customizing research programs.

Sito Web
Ricerca biotecnologica
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Siena, Tosc.
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza


Dipendenti presso VisMederi Group


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