Unicorn R&C

Unicorn R&C

Servizi risorse umane

WHO WE ARE? We are brave, We are entrepreneurial, We take risks, We love our planet and we challenge the world!

Chi siamo

“ Bravery is the act of being courageous enough to be authentic to everyone you meet” In an era where everything is sectorial, where what is written on paper counts more than who you really are and what you have to offer, Unicorn was born, a bespoke recruitment & consultancy agency with the aim to bend the “Rules” of traditional recruitment, helping companies and individuals to break the mold. Fan of changes and brave people, at Unicorn we don't use words like “Too late” or “impossible”, our mission is to understand, through an empathic approach, the person behind each CV and help them discover their own uniqueness.

Sito Web
Servizi risorse umane
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Lavoratore autonomo
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
individualism, recruitment, consultancy, recruitment agency, retail, fashion e hospitality


Dipendenti presso Unicorn R&C


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