TStat Training

TStat Training

Coaching e formazione professionale

Sulmona, Abruzzo 59 follower

Biostatistics, Econometric and Statistical Training

Chi siamo

TStat Training (the training division of TStat) has over the past 15 years, evolved to become the market leader in Biostatical, Econometric and Statistical training. Today, TStat Training is an important point of reference for researchers in both the private and public sector, needing to: acquire new analytical skills; study the latest econometrical or statistical developments in their field, or simply refresh their existing analytical “tool-box”. Each year our training portfolio offers academics, biostatisticians, medics, economists, market analysts, researchers and public health sector professionals, a comprehensive array of training possibilities.

Sito Web
Coaching e formazione professionale
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Sulmona, Abruzzo
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione



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