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Pozzuoli, Naples 7.372 follower

Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine

Chi siamo

TIGEM is a multidisciplinary research Institute devoted to the study of the mechanisms underlying rare genetic diseases and to the development of new therapies. The institute is one of the most important centers for fundamental life science research in Italy (https://www.tigem.it/). It is particularly renowned for its research on diseases such as lysosomal disorders, membrane trafficking defects, disorders of liver metabolism, and eye diseases. The unique funding environment of TIGEM forges important critical mass and facilitates opportunities to conduct both long-term and high-impact science that would otherwise be difficult to undertake. TIGEM is a flagship program central for Telethon’s communication and fundraising activities. Within the framework of Telethon’s mandate, TIGEM’s mission is to: • conduct distinctive fundamental, translational, and clinical research that breaks new ground and defines scientific excellence in rare genetic diseases • transform excellent scientific results into therapies available to patients with rare genetic diseases through partnership with industry when necessary • train the next generation of biomedical researchers to feed the “pipeline of researchers” on rare genetic diseases TIGEM is located in a 5,000-square meter complex in Pozzuoli, a small town on the Mediterranean coast adjacent to Naples. The campus is an historic architectural complex that used to host the old Olivetti factory. The new building sports large open-space laboratories, specialized facilities, and a large auditorium. The Institute employs 250 Italian and foreign researchers in twenty-seven independent research groups. Research at TIGEM is supported by 10 state-of- 2 the-art research core facilities. TIGEM investigators have been awarded 16 European Research Council grants (ERCs), have coordinated 14 European Union cooperation grants, and are funded by numerous national and international funding agencies.

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Servizi di ricerca
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Pozzuoli, Naples
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso Tigem


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    🎉 Congratulations to Valentina Marano! 🎉 We are proud to announce that Valentina Marano, a talented researcher at the Mirko Cortese laboratory, has been awarded a travel grant to attend a specialized course on Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Bioinformatics at EMBL-EBI, Hinxton. After successfully completed the intensive training, she enhanced her skills in cutting-edge proteomics techniques that could now be applied to the understanding of virus-induced changes in cellular organelles and potential pathways for targeted antiviral therapies. To learn more about the course content and how it aligns with Valentina’s research on viral replication mechanisms, check out the detailed insight on our website: https://lnkd.in/dtZcMUKg #ResearchExcellence #Proteomics #Bioinformatics #MassSpectrometry #EMBLEBI #VIB #TravelGrant

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Tigem, immagine

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    🚨 Exciting Research Alert! 🚨 We're thrilled to ashare the publication of a groundbreaking article by carmine Settembre, Francescopaolo Iavarone and colleagues, titled "Fam134c and Fam134b Shape Axonal Endoplasmic Reticulum Architecture In Vivo." This study unveils the critical roles of FAM134C and FAM134B in the formation of the tubular ER network in axons of both motor and sensory neurons. This research opens new doors to understanding ER morphology and function in the nervous system. Read the full article here: https://lnkd.in/d9SPmQa2 Join us in celebrating this important contribution to the field of cellular and molecular neuroscience! 🧠🔍 #Research #Neuroscience #ERPhagy #CellBiology #FAM134 #ScientificBreakthrough #Neurology #Autophagy #CellularOrganization

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    🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 We're thrilled to announce that Leopoldo Staiano and Paolo Grumati have been awarded prestigious Seed Grants by Fondazione Telethon for their groundbreaking research on tuberous sclerosis and GLUT1 deficiency, respectively. 🎉 Leopoldo's project focuses on utilizing novel TSC kidney organoid models to investigate TFEB's role in kidney pathology, while Paolo's research aims to understand and find new treatments for GLUT1 deficiency by exploring alternative biological pathways. These projects exemplify innovation and dedication in the field of genetic research. 🌱🔬 Read more about their inspiring work and the impact of the Seed Grant initiative in our latest article: https://lnkd.in/dKDMCnKF Let's celebrate this achievement and continue supporting research that makes a difference! #Research #Genetics #SeedGrant #TelethonFoundation #Innovation #Healthcare #TuberousSclerosis #GLUT1Deficiency

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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di BNL BNP Paribas, immagine

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    #BNLBNPParibas sostiene con orgoglio Fondazione Telethon e l’Istituto di Genetica e Medicina (Tigem) di Pozzuoli che ha tra le sue mission quella di trovare una cura per le malattie genetiche dell’occhio. Grazie ai numerosi progressi compiuti fino ad oggi, sono state studiate oltre 30 patologie e sviluppata, dall’Istituto Tigem, la prima terapia genica approvata per una malattia oculare, disponibile sia in Europa che negli Stati Uniti. Le sfide della terapia genica per le malattie ereditarie della vista restano tuttavia molteplici e complesse.  "Con oltre 300 forme diverse di cecità ereditarie, sviluppare terapie individuali è complesso. Oggi, stiamo lavorando su soluzioni che possano trattare più malattie contemporaneamente." - Alberto Auricchio, Direttore dell’Istituto Telethon di Genetica e Medicina di Pozzuoli. Affrontare queste complessità richiede dedizione e collaborazione: per questo, insieme, possiamo fare la differenza. La Ricerca è un impegno che parla al plurale 👉 https://bnpp.lk/bW4xz0 #BNLPerTelethon #BNPParibasItalia #LaBancaATuaMisura

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    🚀 We're thrilled to share the "Let's Be a Scientist!" project, an inspiring initiative by #ABEItaly, TIGEM, and #SSM. This project offers outstanding students from ABE Italy schools the chance to immerse themselves in the world of scientific research. 🔬 The Experience of a Lifetime 🔬 After a rigorous selection process, six students were chosen from 58 candidates across 10 regions based on their knowledge in biology and chemistry. 🌟 Immersion in Research 🌟 These students will spend a week in the research labs at TIGEM gaining hands-on experience and working alongside researchers. Each was paired with a mentor for personalized guidance. 💡 Igniting a Passion for Science 💡 "Let's Be a Scientist!" nurtures young talents and inspires careers in scientific research. ABE Italy, TIGEM, and SSM are investing in the future of science by fostering the next generation of researchers. Join us in celebrating these extraordinary students and their mentors! 🧪✨ Watch this video of Iacopo Ferrara, a student we hosted last year! #LetsBeAScientist #ABEItaly #TIGEM #SSM #FutureScientists #STEM

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    Visualizza il profilo di Irene Sambri, immagine

    PhD in Cellular Biochemistry#Specialist in Clinical Biochemistry#Cell Biology and Disease Mechanisms Program #Tigem

    I am thrilled to share our latest publication, "Raghopathies and the Rising Influence of RagGTPases in Human Diseases." This review describes the critical role of RagGTPases in the pathogenesis of various human diseases. 🌟 Key Highlights: RagGTPases: Understanding their complex mechanisms and their significant impact on cellular metabolism in health and diseases. Raghopathies: Introducing a new term for diseases associated with dysfunctional RagGTPase signaling. A big thank to Marco Ferniani, PhD We are happy to see how this research can help future studies and potential treatments. 📖 For those interested in exploring the full study, you can read it here. https://rdcu.be/dNmLC #RagGTPases #HumanDiseases #ScientificDiscovery #MedicalResearch Tigem Women in Autophagy (WIA)

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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di BNL BNP Paribas, immagine

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    La ricerca ha fatto passi da gigante aprendo nuove strade nella cura delle malattie genetiche dell’occhio che comportano una riduzione significativa della vista fino alla perdita completa.  Sosteniamo con orgoglio Fondazione Telethon e l’Istituto di Genetica e Medicina (Tigem) di Pozzuoli che ha contribuito a mettere a punto la prima terapia genica mai approvata per una malattia oculare, disponibile in Europa già dal 2018. Insieme possiamo fare la differenza. La Ricerca è un impegno che parla al plurale 👉 https://bnpp.lk/bW4xz0 #BNLBNPParibas #BNLPerTelethon #BNPParibasItalia #LaBancaATuaMisura

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    We're thrilled to announce an ERC-funded Post-doctoral position in Gene Therapy and Genome Editing at Alberto Auricchio’s Lab at TIGEM! Join our dynamic team to advance cutting-edge projects in gene therapy and gene editing, utilizing both viral (AAV) and non-viral delivery methods. Our goal is to develop transformative treatments for a range of inherited retinal and metabolic diseases. Learn more about our lab's work and recent publications here: https://lnkd.in/dqahrG4N For more details about this position and to apply, please visit our website: https://lnkd.in/dC-tXeFe 🌍 Join us at TIGEM and contribute to pioneering science that can change lives! #GeneTherapy #GenomeEditing #PostDocJobs #ScienceCareers #ERCGrant

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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, immagine

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    Il Prof Andrea Ballabio, co-fondatore e fino al mese scorso Direttore dell'Istituto Telethon di Genetica e Medicina (#TIGEM), ha tenuto una Conferenza presso l’Ospedale per il ciclo “Seminari di ricerca”, l’incontro promosso dalla Direzione Scientifica del Bambino Gesù su #genetica e #malattieoncologiche. «Le nostre ricerche sono focalizzate sull'associazione tra malattie genetiche e cancro. In particolare stiamo studiando alcune sindromi genetiche ereditarie rare che sono associate alla presenza di tumori in diversi organi e tessuti. Tali malattie tipicamente colpiscono più persone nella stessa famiglia, e in diverse generazioni. Le persone affette possono manifestare tumori multipli che si manifestano a diverse età, inclusa l'età pediatrica». Ha raccontato nel suo intervento il Professor Ballabio. «La conferenza tenuta dal professor Ballabio del #TIGEM rientra nella politica della direzione scientifica dell’Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù di portare personalità importanti e di elevata competenza nella nostra istituzione da un lato per favorire crescita professionale e culturale dei nostri ricercatori, dall'altro per favorire l'interscambio e la collaborazione tra istituzioni diverse per fare in modo che i problemi dei nostri pazienti possano essere affrontati e risolti in piena collaborazione con altre realtà» ha spiegato il direttore scientifico, Andrea Onetti Muda. «Nel nostro laboratorio abbiamo identificato un gene, TFEB, che controlla il metabolismo cellulare regolando la funzione di strutture chiamate lisosomi. In condizioni fisiologiche questa funzione è importante per ripulire le cellule dalle sostanze di scarto che altrimenti causerebbero danno e morte cellulare. Recentemente abbiamo scoperto che però in alcune condizioni patologiche la funzione di TFEB è attivata in modo eccessivo e ciò promuove la formazione di tumori in diversi organi e tessuti, ed in particolar modo a livello renale. Attualmente stiamo lavorando all'identificazione di nuove strategie terapeutiche antitumorali basate sull'inibizione di questo meccanismo biologico» ha raccontato il professor Ballabio davanti a una sala piena e partecipativa. #ricerca #ricercascientifica

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    📢 Exciting News! 🧬🔬 We are thrilled to share that a groundbreaking article on the role of TFEB controling syncytiotrophoblast formation and hormone production in placenta has been published by Marcella Cesana and Andrea Ballabio! Key findings include: -Loss of TFEB in mice results in embryonic lethality due to placental defects. TFEB translocates to the nucleus during syncytiotrophoblast formation, regulating genes essential for placental function. -TFEB depletion disrupts syncytial fusion and hormone production, critical for embryonic bioenergetic needs. -Restoring TFEB expression reestablishes syncytiotrophoblast identity and function. This research provides valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms of placental development and opens new avenues for understanding embryonic growth and health. 🔗 Read the full article here: https://lnkd.in/dUwgGkAj Congratulations to Marcella Cesana and Andrea Ballabio for this remarkable contribution to the field! 👏👏 #Research #Science #CellBiology #PlacentalDevelopment #TFEB #Syncytiotrophoblast #HormoneProduction #EmbryonicDevelopment #CellDeathAndDifferentiation #MarcellaCesana #AndreaBallabio #NaturePublication 4o

    TFEB controls syncytiotrophoblast formation and hormone production in placenta - Cell Death & Differentiation

    TFEB controls syncytiotrophoblast formation and hormone production in placenta - Cell Death & Differentiation


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