TDM 2000 International

TDM 2000 International

Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro

TDM 2000 International fosters cooperation across Europe to work for a better connected, shaped by today’s youth.

Chi siamo

TDM 2000 International is an umbrella organization founded in Sardinia in 2008, committed to foster cooperation across Europe through the establishment of a vivid network of youth organizations. Currently, TDM 2000 International counts within its ranks 25 organizations working in 19 countries, all over Europe and the world. Our team is composed by qualified professionals, with broad experience in fields such as training and coaching, project management, intercultural communication, fundraising and advocacy, lobbying or policy-making. So far TDM 2000 International has developed various projects and activities such as capacity building projects, training courses and study sessions, different sorts of encounters and workshops, awareness-raising campaigns and lobbying meetings, inquiries and polls, voluntary service projects, partnership building activities and contact making seminars, electronic and hard cover publications, youth exchanges and seminars, or other multi-measure projects with diverse types of social intervention for development.

Sito Web
Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Non profit
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
training, project writing, project management, intercultural communication, fundraising, advocacy, lobbying e policy-making


Dipendenti presso TDM 2000 International


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    On November 8th, we organized an event for the "YouPlay: Youth Playful Engagement" project. 📌 💡 Over 100 participants, including youngsters and teachers from local schools, joined us to test educational games that promote active participation and SDGs. Thank you to all the participants who shared their insights and enthusiasm to learn! Stay tuned for more updates of the "YouPlay" project! 🎮 The project is funded by the European Union. #YouPlayProject #YouthEngagement #SDGs #EducationGame

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    Yesterday was the last day of #connessioni2023 🧡 👉 We had the great pleasure of having the presence of relevant political and academic figures who have inspired our participants to be more politically active both at national and international level. 💡 They reminded us of the impact and influence the European Union has on our lives and why it is crucial that everyone votes in the upcoming European elections and spreads this message around. A huge thanks to our speakers! Alessandro Sorgia -Councilor of the Municipality of Cagliari. Francesca Donato - Member of the European Parliament. Antonella Zedda - Member of the Italian Parliament. Lucia Pecorario - EPLO Rome. Antonello Chessa - Europe Direct of the Regione Sardegna. Andrea Alexandra Stan - Europe Direct Salerno. Stefania Leone - University of Salerno. Dino Manca - University of Sassari. #connessioni2023 #tdm2000international #youthwork #youthparticipation

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    What are the best sustainable and local initiatives in Europe to drive the zero carbon transition? In the framework of YOUTH FIT FOR 55, we researched 12 amazing projects you could get inspired from. Check out the last episode today!  📣 Stay tuned : we will soon launch a call to reward new initiatives across in Europe! Naturalmente Sostenibile - Episode #12  A Zerowaste Shop by Giulia Boscolo, Italy Naturalmente Sostenibile, funded by Giulia Boscolo is the first sustainable shop in Sardinia, Italy. It is a physical shop (based in Cagliari) but also online, of low waste, eco friendly and plastic free products. At NATURALmente you can find a variety of alternative and natural products for family care, suitable for anyone who wants to switch to a more sustainable lifestyle. It is a lifestyle shop that offers products with sustainable packaging and created by eco-friendly ethical companies. Its values are: Respect and Fairness: the products are selected to have the maximum yield with the minimum waste of energy and resources: as nature itself would do. Sustainability: in the shop as in our life, sustainability has only one great meaning: balance. Creativity: they are committed and above all we enjoy finding effective alternative solutions and of different and increasingly sustainable brands. Love and Kindness: Anyone who has come or even once in the shop knows it. They like to chat and always exchange new things, ideas. Check the video link in comment 👇👇 Co-Funded by European Union, through the Erasmus   programme, this project is lead by  Asociatia IDEI, in partnership with Le LABA, Momentum Educate Innovate, European E-Learning Institute, Research Factory, TDM 2000 International #ecoshop #consciouschoices #zero waste #ecofriendly #plasticfree #respectandequity #Fitfor55 #Erasmusplus #youth

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    📸 Day 3 of #Connessioni2023 is over! 🤩 Today, the activities mainly focused on EU priorities and youth goals. The participants discussed how to promote a more united EU, and what steps are essential in order to strengthen a more active citizenship on a European level. Later on, they used different digital tools to create content that would promote youngsters' engagement in the upcoming elections. 🇪🇺 #connessioni2023 #tdm2000international #youthwork #youthparticipation

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    We have officially kicked off the 6th edition of #Connessioni with the first work sessions and activities! The day started with a chance for the participants from 17 different countries to get to know each other, share their interests, opinions and stories. Later on, they participated in workshops and discussions that allowed them to further explore the different aspects of the European Union, learning more about its history and values. Finally, the participants participated in a simulation activity that allowed them to inquire into the processes of democratic participation. #connessioni2023 #tdm2000international #youthwork #youthparticipation

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    📆 Today is the starting day of #Connessioni2023, the international event that aims to promote youth participation, cooperation and active citizenship. Our event would not be possible without the support and contribution of our partners, whom we would like to thank for their work and contribution! 👏 European Commission Regione Autonoma della Sardegna Comune di Cagliari Cagliari Turismo Fondazione di Sardegna European Parliament European Solidarity Corps Agenzia Italiana per la Gioventù Europe Direct Sardegna Europe Direct Salerno Sardegna Gol UnicaRadio Cagliari #connessioni2023 #tdm2000international #youthwork #youthparticipation

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    What are the best sustainable and local initiatives in Europe to drive the zero carbon transition? In the framework of YOUTH FIT FOR 55, we researched 12 amazing projects you could get inspired from. Let’s go to Italy and talk about fashion! Atelier Cri Cri - Episode #11  Independent fashion lab by Cristiana Arangino, Italy Atelier CRI CRI is an independent fashion lab where every single item of clothing is unique and unrepeatable. For this reason, there aren't two people in the world who can wear the same garment created by Atelier CRI CRI. Since 2003, the creative production has always been characterised by sustainability, through different ways. Fast fashion denotes lower-quality, lowpriced, mass-produced and machine-made garments that quickly end up in landfills. Slow fashion garments in contrast are made by hand, consume time to produce, use artistic talent and handcraft techniques, have better quality, are sustainable and therefore have a higher price. Italian designer, born and raised in Sardinia, Cristiana studied haute couture in Rome. In 2003, she returned in Cagliari to start Atelier CRI CRI, a fashionlab with a great inspiration in handcraft techniques. Like a page of a book, every single garment or accessory is unique and handmade. It tells stories of special women, traditions, novels and folk tales. She teaches several subjects in undergraduate course of FASHION DESIGN at IED. She’s also art director of creative workshops, inspired by lateral thinking. Check the video link in comment 👇👇 Co-Funded by European Union, through the Erasmus   programme, this project is lead by  Asociatia IDEI, in partnership with Le LABA, Momentum Educate Innovate, European E-Learning Institute, Research Factory, TDM 2000 International #sustainablefashion #repare #reuse #slowfashion #zerowaste #handmade #upcycling #Fitfor55 #Erasmusplus #youth

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    Efden - Episode #10 EFdeN is a Romanian educational NGO that aims at bringing sustainability closer to students, young professionals and the general public. They believe in communities that lead both a high-quality and a sustainable life, closer to nature. Hence their projects target urban regeneration, energy-efficient and green architecture as a main interest, within an educational paradigm, meant to replenish the universities resources. Students gain practical experience through volunteering and learn about sustainability from people already in the project, advisors and other professionals involved in the organization projects. EFdeN is the only NGO in Romania that develops solar homes for educational and research purposes and they successfully participated with their prototypes in the Solar Decathlon competitions in 2014 and 2018. These days, motivated by their fruitful partaking in these contests, EFdeN has taken the challenge of designing a new prototype (EFdeN Vatra) for urban revitalization, while developing their own living lab in Bucharest, EFdeN Sustainable City. Check the video link in comment 👇👇 Co-Funded by European Union, through the Erasmus   programme, this project is lead by  Asociatia IDEI, in partnership with Le LABA, Momentum Educate Innovate, European E-Learning Institute, Research Factory, TDM 2000 International #education #housing #solarhomes #sustainability #Fitfor55 #Erasmusplus #youth

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