

Servizi ai consumatori

Milan, Lombardy 2.320 follower

Sub to freedom. Ditch ownership, join today & cancel whenever you want.

Chi siamo

What’s Subbyx? Subbyx is an idea based on a simple yet powerful concept: freedom. Freedom of choosing what you need, for how long you need it, without any sort of commitment. Freedom to change your mind and your behavior, whenever you want. Freedom of trying something new, without needing to worry if you don’t like it. Freedom from concerns and accidents. We got you covered, no matter what. Freedom from debts and commitment. If you can’t carry on, cancel. Whenever. Freedom from purchasing and producing waste. Give it back when you don’t need it anymore, we’ll give it a new life. We founded Subbyx in April 2023 and closed our first round of €4M in July 2023 to expand this concept. We went live on Jan 20th, 2024. We have an ambitious goal: to create and consolidate an alternative consumption model based on a simple monthly fee to achieve circularity and financial sustainability. In a market where innovation has stopped at installments, financing, funding, operating leasing, and BNPL solutions (stimulating consumerism), we see the opportunity to be disruptive and innovative. Our goal is to transform the consumer market into a service without any commitment; that same commitment that, today, is fundamental to every consumption behavior. We are starting with tech products to give people the opportunity to access goods, new or used, through a fully configurable monthly subscription that changes over time to keep you either updated or make you spend less as your product loses value. That’s our starting point, but we aren’t stopping here. We believe that once people embrace this concept, the applications of the sub-model become limitless. That’s why we are,ultimately, a tech and data company. We aim to build the most influential and innovative sub-platform powered by AI. Our journey has just begun and we know we have chosen a challenging one but if you join us we’ll be one step closer to our destination. Welcome to Subbyx!

Sito Web
Servizi ai consumatori
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milan, Lombardy
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Retail, Subscription, Consumer, Sustainability, Services e Productasaservice


Dipendenti presso Subbyx


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    2.320 follower

    "Aware of the strong growth of the subscription economy, we are investing in something that we believe can transform the consumer market into a debt-free service based on usage, circularity, and financial sustainability, with a concrete commitment to our Planet". Filippo Rocca, Subbyx CEO, today for La Repubblica. Full article here below⬇

    Lo smartphone lo prendo in abbonamento invece di comprarlo

    Lo smartphone lo prendo in abbonamento invece di comprarlo

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    2.320 follower

    We're thrilled to be featured in this article by StartupItalia highlighting our innovative approach to circularity! Check it out to learn more about our vision and how we're disrupting the consumer market. #subtofreedom  #startup #circulareconomy

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di StartupItalia, immagine

    118.962 follower

    Abbonarsi ai dispositivi tech anziché acquistarli? È l'idea di Subbyx, startup italiana che ha già chiuso un round pre-seed da 5 milioni e mezzo di euro. La piattaforma consente di accedere a prodotti tech ed elettrodomestici nuovi, usati o ricondizionati sulla base di un abbonamento mensile. Leggi l'articolo: Chiara Buratti #tecnologia #startup

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    Embracing Continuous Evolution in a Customer-Centric World In today's world, customer #needs are constantly changing. Businesses that adapt their strategies to meet those evolving demands are the ones that thrive. This means putting the customer at the forefront and offering solutions that resonate with their wants and needs. Push for #relationships, not supply: Many businesses claim to be customer-centric, but they often fall short by providing a limited set of products and pricing options. This approach, known as supply-driven, prioritizes what the company can offer, rather than what the customer truly needs. (Think of it like this): Imagine your #customers as dots on a graph (Figure 1). Supply-driven businesses primarily cater to existing customers (colored dots) who pay for your current offerings. However, they miss out on potential customers (gray dots) who might not find value in your limited options. Their needs aren't met. Demand-driven businesses flip the script (Figure 2). Here, the customer takes center stage. These companies create a diverse ecosystem of services, channels, and experiences tailored to individual needs and desires.  Demand-driven strategy is about building stronger, more personal #connections with customers; understanding their needs and desires, and responding to them precisely. This flexibility allows them to #monetize multiple elements and pivot seamlessly as market dynamics change. #subscriptioneconomy #customercentric #subtofreedom

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    2.320 follower

    We are excited to share our experience from the #MFSRoadshow in Reggio Emilia last week! Our greetings to Milan Fintech Summit and Credem Banca for hosting an exceptional event. Taking the stage and discussing the pivotal role of fintech services in driving future innovation was an invaluable opportunity. Engaging in stimulating discussions with thought leaders fuels our passion for this ever-evolving landscape. We extend a warm invitation to connect with us and continue the conversation! #SubToFreedom #SubbyxOnStage #MilanFintechSummit #OfficineCredem

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    Last week, with Ferruccio Ferruzzi we attended Sidea Group's "Subscription and Monetization" event in Milan. It was a great opportunity to discuss how the Subscription Economy is paving the way for a more sustainable future and how it represents an opportunity for companies to open up new revenue streams. A special thanks to Zuora for sharing valuable data and insights. Don't miss the next episode! p.s. You can find our use case here: #subscriptioneconomy #sustainability #subtofreedom #subbyxonstage

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    2.320 follower

    Ever feel like you're constantly paying for features you never use? In today's dynamic business landscape, traditional pricing models can feel restrictive. Usage-based pricing offers a refreshing alternative. Understanding Usage-Based Pricing: Imagine a pricing structure where customers only pay for what they use. That's the essence of usage-based pricing. It perfectly complements the #flexible nature of PaaS and SaaS businesses, where constraints are minimal, and the customer is at the center of the value proposition. The Rise of Usage-Based Pricing: The shift towards usage-based models is undeniable. According to Zuora Subscribed Institute (2023), companies adopting this approach have grown from 9% to 26% between 2020 and 2022. This rapid rise can be attributed to several key benefits: 🤝 Customer Centricity: Transparency: customers clearly understand how their usage translates to cost, fostering #trust and satisfaction. They only pay for the #value they receive. Enhanced #Loyalty: by aligning costs with value, usage-based pricing fosters a sense of fairness and helps build stronger customer #relationships. 📈 Scalability and Growth: Lower Entry Barriers: new customers can start small, minimizing upfront costs, thereby your business becomes more accessible. Flexible Scaling: as their needs evolve, customers can easily scale their usage, potentially leading to increased expenditure over time. 💡 Control and Visibility: Real-Time Insights: customers have clear visibility into their usage patterns, allowing them to optimize their #consumption and avoid unexpected charges. Data-Driven Decisions: sales, customer success, and finance teams gain valuable insights into usage patterns; these data hence enable such teams to tailor offerings and optimize business strategies. Are you ready to embrace a more customer-centric future? Usage-based pricing empowers businesses to tailor offerings, optimize costs, and foster stronger relationships. It's a win-win for both sides!  Stay tuned for further insights. #customercentricity  #businesstrategy #SubToFreedom

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    2.320 follower

    Thinking of a #career in #Fintech? Join us at the "Smells Like Fintech Spirit" Roadshow organized by Milan Fintech Summit in partnership with Credem Banca. With Federica Rossi, we’ll share our experience and points of view in "Una carriera da Fintech", the session reserved for University students to explore the endless career opportunities from the fintech world. Reserve your spot here: Officine Credem, Reggio Emilia - 25th June. #SubToFreedom #MFS24 #MilanoFintechSummit #SmellsLikeFintechSpirit

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    2.320 follower

    We're happy to join DBridge's ecosystem of VAS offering. United by the promise of providing exceptional customer service, fostering a culture of #innovation, and delivering successful #solutions, with DBridge we share a deep-rooted belief in the power of technology to transform #businesses. #partnership #subtofreedom

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di DBridge , immagine

    443 follower

    La necessità di dispositivi tecnologici è ormai universale e costante. Per questo siamo entusiasti di annunciare che Subbyx è ora parte del nostro portfolio di servizi! 🚀 Crediamo che Subbyx aggiunga un reale valore ai clienti finali dei nostri ecosistemi digitali, sia per le PMI che per i consumatori retail, perché dà la possibilità di ottenere dispositivi tecnologici tramite un abbonamento flessibile e senza vincoli, abbracciando al contempo l'economia circolare 🔄 Grazie a questa nuova collaborazione saremo in grado di portare l'abbonamento dei dispositivi tecnologici in tutti i nostri ecosistemi digitali! 🤝 #innovation #flexibility #sustainability #subtofreedom #digitalecosystem #partnership #collaborazione

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    2.320 follower

    At Subbyx we like to do things in a disruptive way. You won't find a #catalog, but rather our proprietary #SubbyxMatch: an intelligent digital tool that uses AI to ask users questions to understand what product they may be interested in, their daily use, and what needs they want to meet. Through a logic of interactive #gamification is hence recreated an #experience similar to the one you have in a physical #store by relating with a salesperson. Ultimately, the SubbyxMatch enables users to scale their #needs according to their economic #budget without losing their #satisfaction. The result is a seamless experience that helps users find their way in a plethora of tech products. #AI #technology #SubToFreedom

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