Petrolio e gas

Concorezzo, MB 935 follower

It's time to make room for a new generation!

Chi siamo

Design, production and sales of lube, auxiliary and cooling systems. Distributor for piping, valves, fittings and flanges, all materials all sizes.

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Petrolio e gas
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Concorezzo, MB
Società privata non quotata


Dipendenti presso STARK SRL


  • STARK SRL ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Alfredo Forte, immagine

    CEO and founder STARK SRL

    Siamo entusiasti di annunciare che Stark Srl, un'azienda 100% italiana nata nel cuore della Brianza nel 2015, sarà in vetrina durante la partita tra AC Monza e Atalanta il 21 aprile 2024 alle ore 20:45, con una spettacolare sponsorizzazione sui led luminosi a bordo campo dello stadio U-Power di AC Monza! Stark Srl, specializzata nella progettazione e realizzazione di scambiatori di calore, skids e sistemi di lubrificazioni oleodinamici, è orgogliosa di associare il proprio marchio a un evento così emozionante e di alto profilo. Siamo convinti che lo sport sia una straordinaria manifestazione di valori come il rispetto, la lealtà e la collaborazione. Questa è un'opportunità straordinaria per noi di Stark Srl per espandere la nostra visibilità e mostrare il nostro impegno nel supportare lo sport locale e la comunità, promuovendo al contempo il rispetto reciproco e l'integrità nello sport. Ci auguriamo che tu possa unirti a noi per sostenere il Monza e goderti una partita indimenticabile contro l'Atalanta. Non vediamo l'ora di condividere questa esperienza con te e con tutti i nostri partner, clienti e followers. Seguiteci per tutti gli aggiornamenti e per ulteriori dettagli sulla nostra sponsorizzazione. Forza Monza! ⚽💪 #ACMonza #MonzaAtalanta #StarkSrl #Sponsorizzazione #Calcio #RispettoNelloSport We are thrilled to announce that Stark Srl, a 100% Italian company born in the heart of Brianza in 2015, will be showcased during the match between AC Monza and Atalanta on April 21, 2024, at 8:45 PM, with a spectacular sponsorship on the LED boards at the U-Power Stadium of AC Monza! Stark Srl, specializing in the design and manufacturing of heat exchangers, skids, and hydraulic lubrication systems, is proud to associate its brand with such an exciting and high-profile event. We firmly believe that sports are an extraordinary expression of values such as respect, loyalty, and collaboration. This is a remarkable opportunity for us at Stark Srl to expand our visibility and demonstrate our commitment to supporting local sports and the community, while promoting mutual respect and integrity in sports. We hope you can join us in supporting Monza and enjoying an unforgettable match against Atalanta. We look forward to sharing this experience with you and all our partners, clients, and followers. Follow us for real-time updates and further details on our sponsorship. Go Monza! ⚽💪 #ACMonza #MonzaAtalanta #StarkSrl #Sponsorship #Football #RespectInSports

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  • STARK SRL ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Alfredo Forte, immagine

    CEO and founder STARK SRL

    Dear colleagues and friends, In this time of reflection and peace, we would like to take a moment to express our solidarity and hope for a more peaceful and inclusive world. On the occasion of Easter, a universal symbol of rebirth and renewal, let us reflect on the geopolitical tensions that unfortunately persist in the world. The recent disputes between Ukraine and Russia, as well as the clashes between Israel and the Palestinians, remind us of the importance of working together to promote peace and mutual understanding. As a company, we are committed to being a positive force in promoting dialogue and collaboration among people, communities, and nations. We firmly believe that only through mutual understanding and respect can we build a better future for all. In this Easter season, we wish you and your families joy, serenity, and hope. May the light of peace illuminate our hearts and guide us toward a more harmonious world. Happy Easter to all. Best regards, Alfredo Forte CEO STARK SRL Liebe Kollegen und Freunde, in dieser Zeit der Reflexion und des Friedens möchten wir einen Moment nutzen, um unsere Solidarität und Hoffnung auf eine friedlichere und inklusivere Welt auszudrücken. Anlässlich des Osterfestes, einem universellen Symbol für Wiedergeburt und Erneuerung, wollen wir über die geopolitischen Spannungen nachdenken, die leider in der Welt bestehen bleiben. Die jüngsten Auseinandersetzungen zwischen der Ukraine und Russland sowie die Zusammenstöße zwischen Israel und den Palästinensern erinnern uns an die Bedeutung, zusammenzuarbeiten, um Frieden und gegenseitiges Verständnis zu fördern. Als Unternehmen setzen wir uns dafür ein, ein positiver Faktor bei der Förderung des Dialogs und der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Menschen, Gemeinschaften und Nationen zu sein. Wir glauben fest daran, dass nur durch gegenseitiges Verständnis und Respekt eine bessere Zukunft für alle möglich ist. In dieser Osterzeit wünschen wir Ihnen und Ihren Familien Freude, Gelassenheit und Hoffnung. Möge das Licht des Friedens unsere Herzen erleuchten und uns zu einer harmonischeren Welt führen. Frohe Ostern an alle. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Alfredo Forte CEO STARK SRL أعزائي الزملاء والأصدقاء، في هذا الوقت من التأمل والسلام، نود أن نأخذ لحظة للتعبير عن تضامننا وأملنا في عالم أكثر سلامًا وشمولًا. بمناسبة عيد الفصح، رمز عالمي للانبعاث والتجديد، دعونا نفكر في التوترات الجيوسياسية التي تستمر للأسف في العالم. تذكرنا النزاعات الأخيرة بين أوكرانيا وروسيا، وكذلك الاشتباكات بين إسرائيل والفلسطينيين بأهمية العمل معًا لتعزيز السلام والتفاهم المتبادل. بصفتنا شركة، نلتزم بأن نكون قوة إيجابية في تعزيز الحوار والتعاون بين الناس والمجتمعات والدول. نحن نؤمن بقوة بأنه فقط من خلال التفاهم المتبادل والاحترام يمكننا بناء مستقبل أفضل للجميع. في هذا الوقت من عيد الفصح، نتمنى لكم ولعائلاتكم الفرح والسلامة والأمل. لعل نور السلام ينير قلوبنا ويقودنا نحو عالم أكثر انسجامًا. عيد فصح سعيد للجميع. أطيب التحيات، ألفريدو فورتي الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة STARK SRL

  • STARK SRL ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Alfredo Forte, immagine

    CEO and founder STARK SRL

    Not just piping… Stark Srl has recently achieved a significant milestone by successfully completing the assembly of 4 Skids, following the meticulous engineering work undertaken for our esteemed Client. This accomplishment underscores our unwavering commitment to excellence and precision in every project we undertake. Each Skid has undergone comprehensive inspection by our dedicated inspector, who has meticulously verified their flawless development. As we prepare to proceed with packaging, we do so with confidence, knowing that our scrupulous attention to detail ensures that these Skids will be delivered in perfect accordance with the terms of our contractual agreement. This successful project execution not only showcases our technical prowess but also reaffirms our steadfast dedication to delivering high-quality solutions that consistently exceed our clients' expectations.

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  • STARK SRL ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Giancarlo Neri, immagine

    Business Development Manager at Stark S.r.l.

    Steam Skid & Ignition Skid for an italian Client. Baseframes hot deep galvanized with 1090 certification, piping in AISI 316 (for Ignition) and carbon steel (for Steam). Steam piping with PED certification. Several NDE Tests: - Dye penetrant - UT for carbon steel forgings - IGC (Intergranular Corrosion Test) for AISI fittings - RX - PMI - Ferrite test - Hydrotest - Impact test - 36 °C for all the materials (included consumables) and welds qualifications. Manufactured and assembled by Stark!

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  • STARK SRL ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Alfredo Forte, immagine

    CEO and founder STARK SRL

    2024… “Cari clienti, fornitori e collaboratori di Stark Srl, In questo inizio d’anno, auguro a tutti voi un 2024 ricco di crescita e successi straordinari. Grazie ai nostri clienti per la fiducia continua, ai fornitori per la solida partnership, e a tutti i membri del nostro team, interni ed esterni, per il vostro impegno costante. Insieme, supereremo le sfide con positività. Con i migliori auguri, Alfredo Forte CEO, Stark Srl” "Dear customers, suppliers, and collaborators of Stark Srl, In this new year's beginning, I wish each of you a 2024 filled with growth and extraordinary successes. Thanks to our customers for continuous trust, to suppliers for the solid partnership, and to all members of our team, both internal and external, for your ongoing commitment. Together, we will overcome challenges with positivity. Best wishes, Alfredo Forte CEO, Stark Srl" "Liebe Kunden, Lieferanten und Mitwirkende von Stark Srl, Zu Beginn dieses neuen Jahres wünsche ich euch allen ein 2024 voller Wachstum und außergewöhnlicher Erfolge. Danke an unsere Kunden für das kontinuierliche Vertrauen, an die Lieferanten für die solide Partnerschaft und an alle Mitglieder unseres Teams, intern und extern, für euer fortlaufendes Engagement. Gemeinsam werden wir Herausforderungen mit Positivität meistern. Die besten Wünsche, Alfredo Forte CEO, Stark Srl" "عملائنا الأعزاء، المورّدين وزملاء شركة ستارك ذ.م.م، في بداية هذا العام الجديد، أتمنى لكم جميعًا عام 2024 مليئًا بالنمو والنجاحات الاستثنائية. شكرًا لعملائنا على الثقة المستمرة، وللمورّدين على الشراكة الراسخة، ولجميع أعضاء فريقنا، سواء كانوا داخليين أو خارجيين، على التفاني المستمر. معًا، سنتجاوز التحديات بروح إيجابية. أطيب التمنيات، ألفريدو فورتي الرئيس التنفيذي، ستارك ذ.م.م" "مشتریان عزیز، تامینکنندگان و همکاران گرامی شرکت استارک ذ.م.م، در این آغاز سال جدید، برای همه شما یک سال 2024 پر از رشد و موفقیتهای استثنایی آرزو میکنم. از مشتریان برای اعتماد مداوم، از تامینکنندگان برای همکاری محکم، و از تمام اعضای تیم ما، هم درونی و هم خارجی، برای تفانه مستمر شما سپاسگزارم. با هم، ما چالشها را با انرژی مثبت غلبه خواهیم کرد. با بهترین آرزوها، آلفردو فورته مدیر عامل، شرکت استارک ذ.م.م"

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