Vendita al dettaglio di beni di lusso e gioielli

Albino , BERGAMO 2.769 follower

Reach out to the heart of your clients by branding yourself with a signature scent

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Perfume is an indispensable element of everyday charm. It has always been loved by the general public but also by companies which use it as a tool to express their personality and brand identity. Scent Company is the Italian company able to enhance the modern luxury experience for hospitality and business enviroments, creating the right EMOTIONAL engagement, communication and and space through the power of feelings evoked by the truly tailored lovely signature scent. Scent Company creates the exclusive signature scent for your brand; then installs the diffusion systems in the branded environment gently filling the space with the exclusive tailored and made-in-Italy fragrance. The emotions of the signature scent can be incorporated into a tailored scented collection and marketing material to sell or to give as gifts. Contact us today to design your OLFACTORY BRANDING PROJECT [email protected]

Sito Web
Vendita al dettaglio di beni di lusso e gioielli
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Albino , BERGAMO
Società di persone
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Scent Marketing, Signature Scent/Olfactory Logo, Professional Diffusers, Personalized Scented Dècor, In-Store Olfactory Architectures for Retail, Scent Marketing Projects for Spa and Wellness Centers, Olfactory Branding, bespoke fragrances, scent marketing, tailored scents e signature scent




  • The vibrant Mediterranean island of Cyprus is an open-air museum filled with multicultural treasures and multi-sensory experiences. Inspired by this atmosphere, our local partner designs unique olfactory branding projects that meet the needs of local brands and hotels to give their clients a unique experience thanks to an exclusive and unforgettable signature scent.

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  • Situated in 50 hectares of stunning gardens and overlooking the pristine white beaches of Sardinia's southern coast, Forte Village—one of the world's most awarded resorts—has chosen Scent Company to scent its spaces. Set in lush gardens and embraced by Mediterranean flora, Forte Village collaborated with our laboratory in Grasse to create a unique scent: Bouganville. This floral and spicy fragrance symbolizes hospitality and warmth, and in the language of flowers, it means "welcome." Forte Village aims to offer exceptional hospitality, making guests feel at home, wrapped in a complete sensory experience. The blooming bougainville plants welcomes guests outside the facilities and they can also enjoy the same diffused fragrance inside the resort, thanks to Scent Company’s professional technologies. Forte Village is a destination within a destination, a chic and exclusive resort in a corner of Sardinia, full of evocative landscapes. -- Circondato da 50 ettari di splendidi giardini e affacciato sulla bianchissima spiaggia della costa meridionale sarda, il Forte Village, uno dei resort più premiati al mondo, ha scelto Scent Company per profumare i propri spazi. Immerso in rigogliosi giardini e avvolto dalla macchia mediterranea, il Forte Village ha collaborato con il nostro laboratorio di Grasse per creare una fragranza unica: la Bouganville. Questa fragranza floreale e speziata simboleggia accoglienza e cordialità, e nel linguaggio dei fiori significa "benvenuto". Il Forte Village desidera offrire un'accoglienza eccezionale, facendo sentire i propri ospiti come a casa, avvolti in un'esperienza sensoriale completa. Le Bougainville accolgono gli ospiti fuori dalle strutture e possono godere della stessa fragranza diffusa all'interno del resort, grazie alle tecnologie professionali di Scent Company. Forte Village è una destinazione all'interno di una destinazione, un resort chic ed esclusivo in un angolo di Sardegna, ricco di splendidi paesaggi.

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  • A luxury residential complex is a sophisticated combination of elements in which the visual design, the tactil materials and the olfactory experience are perfectly aligned to communicate a sense of elegance and comfort. Designing and diffusing a bespoke olfactory signature welcomes the visitors to an oasis of unparalleled uniqueness. Smell is indeed the most powerful sense and allows to reach the deepest parts of consciousness providing an unforgettable and emotional experience.

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  • The sweet orange (or Citrus Sinensis) is native to China and was introduced to Portugal by the explorer Vasco Da Gama in the 16th century. Its white and fragrant flower generates small glands from which the essential oil is extracted. The essential oil, which varies according to the area of origin, has a very rich, sweet and fresh olfactory note. In the world of perfumery and aromatherapy, sweet orange is indeed very popular for transmitting a sense of serenity and well-being.

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  • Experimental Hub is a division of Scent Company that offers bespoke experiences perfect for those curious about the fascinating world of perfumes. One of our most popular group sessions is the Perfume Workshop, where we reveal the secrets of perfumery, from the olfactory pyramids to the individual scent notes of various fragrances. Participants then apply their newly acquired knowledge by creating their own custom perfume during the workshop. It can be a great team-building experience to offer to your team for an engaging and unforgettable moment.

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  • Discover the universe of bespoke luxury fragrances and step behind the scenes of a captivating world where everything, from creation to production, is about perfection, luxury, indulgence, and passion. Founded in 1963 in Grasse, the heart of modern perfumery in the South of France, our laboratory is located in a beautiful nature reserve, renowned for its aromatic plants and expertise, which UNESCO has recognized as a part of the world's heritage worthy of preservation. The working methodology of our lab is as simple as it is effective: we start by attentively listening to the needs of our clients, who are actively involved in the creative process. Once the formula is created, every ingredient is meticulously measured and harmoniously fused together, then further adjustments may be necessary in order to create the desired, exclusive and personalized client’s olfactory logo.

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  • “Close your eyes and I’ll tell you where you are” - Scent of DUE, the authentic and exclusive olfactory logo of the Duetorrihotels S.p.A. group. Citrus fruits and floral essences of the mediterranean vegetation, white musk and sandal wood, all create delicate and unique made in Italy sensations, where hospitality becomes timeless elegance. Duetorrihotels’ olfactory signature accompanies the guests’ experience, making it unforgettable. Duetorrihotels has also incorporated its exclusive olfactory logo into a customized olfactory collection. It is a way for customers to take home a vacation and hospitality experience marked by high quality services, in locations of historical and touristic prestige, and relive it whenever they wish. -- "Chiudi gli occhi e ti dirò dove sei": nasce Scent of DUE, l'autentico ed esclusivo marchio olfattivo del Gruppo Duetorrihotels S.p.A. Gli agrumi, le essenze floreali della macchia mediterranea, il muschio bianco e il legno di sandalo creano sensazioni delicate e originali del Made in Italy, dove l’accoglienza diventa eleganza senza tempo. La “firma olfattiva” di Duetorrihotels accompagna l’esperienza degli ospiti, rendendola indimenticabile. Le fragranze più emozionali possono scaldare anche la personalità di accessori e prodotti beauty. Per questo motivo, Duetorrihotels ha incorporato il proprio logo olfattivo esclusivo in una collezione olfattiva personalizzata. Un modo per permettere ai clienti di portare con sé un’esperienza di vacanza e accoglienza all’insegna dell’alta qualità dei servizi, in location di prestigio storico e turisti

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  • Designing your scent logo is a unique journey that involves careful study and research. This process requires an emotional approach where the olfactory dimension plays a crucial strategic role. We initially analyse the brand identity to identify the perfect blend of essences that reflects it. The development of your fragrance involves then a series of rigorous evaluations, both olfactory and analytical. We also identify the most suitable diffusion technologies according to the spaces to scent and once the diffusion systems are installed, we ensure that visitors experience a unique sensory journey.

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  • Our Brazilian Partner is increasingly assisting luxury brands aiming to enrich their in-store sensory experience. Thanks to Scent Company Brasil, we provide a comprehensive service covering fragrance design and diffusion, along with essential maintenance and refilling services. We tailor our offerings to the unique preferences of this market, delivering customized scent solutions that meet the expectations and resonate with the emotional landscape of Brazilian clientele.

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  • Every spa guest dreams a deep and immersive experience to pamper their senses, mind, and body. Fragrances are vital to welcome clients into an olfactory journey that provides a sense of well-being and helps them feel completely relaxed. Improved customer satisfaction is just one of the many benefits that olfactory branding offers to spa businesses. The entire perception of the spa experience is transformed when a bespoke fragrance is diffused and matches the location and target. Our fragrance specialists are ready to help you create your oasis of peace.

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