Ramada Plaza Milano

Ramada Plaza Milano

Settore alberghiero

Milano, Italia 2.036 follower

Chi siamo

The new Milan Urban Resort This innovative hotel & residence in Milan has 167 rooms and 96 apartments with comfortable and spacious rooms, able to satisfy every need. The rooms, designed in every detail for comfort and relaxation, are inspired by a 70s design revisited with style, elegance and originality. Chromatic details, soft fabrics, flooring, latest technology, comfortable beds and large showers are just some of the details of our rooms all with spacious balconies that naturally illuminate the interior spaces. Enjoy your stay in Milan and leave the rest to us!

Sito Web
Settore alberghiero
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, Italia
Società privata non quotata
Settori di competenza
Alberghiero e Turistico


Dipendenti presso Ramada Plaza Milano


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