Open Project

Open Project

Architettura e pianificazione

Bologna, BO 11.011 follower

We imagine We design We create

Chi siamo

Open Project S.r.l. is an architectural and engineering firm founded in 1984 by experts in various fields of design and consulting, in order to more effectively undertake the multiple tasks of the construction process. Today it presents itself as a multidisciplinary organization, designed to develop all aspects of the architectural endeavor, from concept to direct control of construction. Open Project is a team of more 50 professionals, architects, engineers, designers and technicians, in a network of various other consultants and external specialists, all coordinated to respond to the various aspects of the construction process. SUSTAINABILITY The design approach of our company is driven toward sustainability. The design of the built environment in a ecologically sustainable perspective is based on two aspects: the minimization of energy use (achieved through a smart building envelope, thermal insulation, sun shading, use of sustainable and reusable materials, intelligent use of water) and the strive for maximum energetic autonomy for a building (through the use of renewable energy sources such as the sun, wind and geothermal energy). Open Project is a member of the Green Building Council of Italy, a nonprofit organization founded in 1993 that to this day enlist more than 11.000 members and has a mission of technical implementation as well as information, sensibilization and guidance of the community toward sustainable building procedures. GBC has developed and maintains the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) standards, which are internationally recognized standards for sustainable construction, developed in the USA and now applies in over 40 countries.

Sito Web
Architettura e pianificazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Bologna, BO
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Engineering, Architecture, Sustainability, Green Building, LEED, BIM e Planning


Dipendenti presso Open Project


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