NOI Techpark

NOI Techpark

Servizi di ricerca

Bolzano, Bolzano 13.947 follower

Nature of Innovation

Chi siamo

South Tyrol's Innovation District

Sito Web
Servizi di ricerca
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Bolzano, Bolzano
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Automotive, Digital, Green Technologies, Automotive & Automation, Start-up Incubator, Prototyping Labs, Innovation Management, EU Opportunities e Food & Health


Dipendenti presso NOI Techpark


  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NOI Techpark, immagine

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    In a hurry to innovate? With us, companies and students sprint together to find solutions in only five days. The 3rd edition of our Students Sprint will take place from 24 to 28 February 2025. Interdisciplinary teams of students from the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano will work on solutions to your challenge, accompanied by experts and researchers in a professional environment. Companies can apply from 15 July to 15 September 2024 here: We are looking forward to your innovation challenge! Not sure if our Students Sprint is a fit for your company? Then register for the free information session, which will take place online on 18 July from 16:00 to 17:00. Register here ->

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NOI Techpark, immagine

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    NOI is a place of transformation—a dynamic innovation district that continually adapts, changes, and grows. This spirit is perfectly captured by the new artwork from renowned graffiti and street artist Luca Font at our garage entrance. His design features overlapping shapes and colours that convey the essence of space and architecture, illustrating the daily fusion of science, technology, and art that happens here. This project was commissioned by the car brand MINI to celebrate their collaboration with the NOI company EMOTITECH®. Here are some images of the artwork. In the coming days, we will share more about its background. BMW Group Italia

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NOI Techpark, immagine

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    At NOI Techpark, we are pleased to be the home of innovative companies like Emotitech, which recently collaborated with MINI on the Urban Shield project. An initiative which emerged from MINI’s commitment to sustainability and Emotitech’s dedication to human innovation. Urban Shield is a pioneering painting process revitalising roadside surfaces with long-lasting public art and vibrant colours. It enhances the urban environment, reduces maintenance costs, improves hygiene, and decreases road pollution, ultimately improving the quality of life. This sustainable journey was kicked off with the new All Electric MINI Countryman and the fantastic talent of Luca Font, a renowned figure in the graffiti and street art community. Luca transformed the main entrance ramp of NOI into a canvas, showcasing a geometric reinterpretation of the surrounding architecture with a dynamic colour palette. Big shout out to MINI - BMW Group Italia, EMOTITECH®, Atlante, Alpitronic, and Luca Font for making this project a reality.

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di BMW Group Italia, immagine

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    Insieme alla Nuova All Electric MINI Countryman, compagna di viaggio ideale per l’esplorazione di nuovi percorsi all’insegna della sostenibilità, siamo partiti alla volta di Bolzano.   Qui, dall’incontro tra il Big Love di MINI per l’ambiente, NOI Techpark, il distretto per l’innovazione ispirata alla natura dell’Alto Adige, e la ricerca di Emotitech, azienda di human innovation, è nato il progetto Urban Shield: un innovativo processo di verniciatura destinato a riqualificare le superfici lato strada con opere d'arte pubblica e studi di colore che possono durare decenni senza deteriorarsi.   Grazie a questa innovazione, le città potranno rigenerare strutture in cemento, grandi pareti a bordo strada e numerosi altri manufatti contenendo i costi di manutenzione, rendendo più piacevole l’ambiente urbano, contribuendo al contempo a migliorare l'igiene e a ridurre l'inquinamento stradale, con ricaduto positive sulla qualità della vita dei cittadini.   E per cominciare nel modo migliore questo nuovo viaggio all’insegna della sostenibilità, MINI ha coinvolto Luca Font, tra i principali protagonisti della scena dei graffiti e della street art in Italia, per la creazione di un'opera d'arte pubblica, realizzata con le nuove vernici.   A fare da tela all'artista di fama internazionale sono state le superfici della rampa dell'ingresso principale del NOI Techpark, che ora ospitano una reinterpretazione delle linee architettoniche degli edifici circostanti, rese attraverso una visione geometrica essenziale e una vibrante palette di colori, che Font ha selezionato fra quelli dell’identità visiva MINI.   #sostenibilita, #innovazione, #tecnologia, #creativita, sono i valori che accomunano #MINI alle realtà NOI Techpark ed EMOTITECH®, alle quali vogliamo dire il nostro più sentito grazie, unito ai partner Atlante e Alpitronic che hanno suppprtato le nostre All Electric MINI Countryman nel viaggio e naturalmente a #LucaFont, per aver reso possibile tutto questo! #MINI #BIGLOVE #SUSTAINABILITY #GREEN #ART

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NOI Techpark, immagine

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    Have a look. Two new papers by Luisa Petti and team are out ↓

    Visualizza il profilo di Luisa Petti, immagine

    Associate Professor in Electronics, Free University of Bolzano

    📣 📣 📣 Two new papers of our group just published: - Textile-Integrated Organic Electrochemical Transistor for Selective Ion Detection via Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy in IEEE Sensors Letters - Monitoring Iron Stress in Tomato Plants Through Bioimpedance and Machine-Learning-Enhanced Classification Based on Circuit Component Analysis in IEEE Transactions on Agrifood Electronics Congrats to all the authors, especially Antonio Altana, Pietro Ibba & Bajramshahe Shkodra Libera Università di Bolzano Facoltà di Ingegneria NOI Techpark Competence Centre for Plant Health

    Textile-Integrated Organic Electrochemical Transistor for Selective Ion Detection via Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy

    Textile-Integrated Organic Electrochemical Transistor for Selective Ion Detection via Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NOI Techpark, immagine

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    Are you an experienced entrepreneur ready to give back and empower the next generation of start-ups? We're looking for motivated mentors and coaches to join our start-up incubator. Help founders tackle challenges, share invaluable insights, and empower young ventures to thrive in today's competitive landscape. If you are ready to make a meaningful impact and support the future of entrepreneurship, then get in touch with us:

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    In the final post of our series on key opportunity areas from our Alpha Innovation Radar publication on "Digital Technologies for Nature", we explore Resilient Regions. In the battle against climate change, our world is a dynamic ecosystem where people, businesses, and nature face unprecedented challenges. Resilient regions can adapt to change, conserve resources, and create sustainable systems that benefit both the environment and the economy. Decarbonising the transport sector is essential, as 12% of EU CO2 emissions come from cars. Harnessing digital technology unleashes possibilities, from smart infrastructure and monitored environment to collaborative efforts to preserve ecosystems. Download your free copy of our Alpha Innovation Radar to gain insights on how digital solutions can help to combine environmental sustainability and business success >>

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NOI Techpark, immagine

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    Continuing our series on key opportunity areas from our Alpha Innovation Radar publication on "Digital Technologies for Nature," we now focus on Sustainable Consumption. Consumers play a vital role in promoting ecological change by choosing sustainable products. To enable this, products and services must be designed for sustainable consumption. In Europe, there is a growing emphasis on sustainability, with decreasing per capita material consumption. However, sustainable practices like raw material reuse remained low at 11.7% in 2021. Transitioning to a circular economy requires substantial efforts. Digital technologies support this shift by improving lifecycle management and supply chain transparency, enabling companies to design for sustainable consumption and meet consumer demand for eco-friendly products. How? Learn more by downloading your free publication of Alpha Innovation Radar >> Stay tuned for our next post where we will explore the final opportunity area: Resilient Regions.

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NOI Techpark, immagine

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    Continuing our exploration of key opportunity areas from our Alpha Innovation Radar publication on "Digital Technologies for Nature," we focus on Efficient Processes. The European Green Deal aims for climate neutrality by 2050, promoting investment in vital environmental technologies. Currently, industrial manufacturing contributes to 20% of global emissions and 54% of energy consumption. A comprehensive strategy encompassing planning, manufacturing, delivery, and maintenance is essential to address supply chain emissions, which are over eleven times higher than production emissions alone. Digital technologies like IoT, AI, and big data can enhance process efficiency, advancing sustainable production and embodying Industry 5.0. By leveraging these technologies, companies can significantly reduce their environmental impact while achieving business success. You can learn more on this opportunity area and more by downloading your free copy >> Stay tuned for our next posts where we'll explore the remaining opportunity areas: Responsible Consumption and Resilient Regions.

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NOI Techpark, immagine

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    Following our initial announcement, we dive into the first of four opportunity areas ‘Sustainable Resource Usage’ from our Alpha Innovation Radar publication on "Digital Technologies for Nature." In a world of limited resources and increasing environmental impacts, reducing resource consumption is crucial. Digital technologies offer promising solutions by optimising resource usage and minimising environmental impacts through data analysis, AI, and IoT. Want to know how effective use of digital technologies can improve environmental performance, reduce costs, and enhance organisational competitiveness? Then download your free copy of our publication >> Stay tuned for our next posts where we will explore the remaining opportunity areas: Efficient Processes, Responsible Consumption, and Resilient Regions.

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NOI Techpark, immagine

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    Stay ahead by identifying new opportunities, enhancing sustainability, driving innovation, improving efficiency, and unlocking radical innovation. With our first Alpha Innovation Radar publication on "Digital Technologies for Nature," - created together with Innovation Lab LDV20-Sparkasse - you will gain a free guide for four key opportunity areas: - Sustainable Resource Usage - Efficient Processes - Responsible Consumption - Resilient Regions In the next two weeks, we will publish a summary of each area, so stay tuned. In the meantime, download your full free copy here >>

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