MBE Worldwide

MBE Worldwide

Vendita al dettaglio

Third-party provider of shipping, fulfillment, print and marketing solutions via a network of locations.

Chi siamo

MBE Worldwide S.p.A. (“MBE”), a privately-owned company based in Milan - Italy, is a third-party provider of shipping, fulfillment, print and marketing solutions to small and medium enterprises and retail consumers via a network of mainly independently owned and operated locations. MBE Service Centers facilitate the activities of entrepreneurs, people and businesses through an easy-to-access distribution network and customized services and products delivered with a distinguished and unique level of customer service. MBE presently operates under multiple brands: Mail Boxes Etc., AlphaGraphics, PostNet, Spedingo.com, Print Speak, Pack & Send and Multicopy and its global network counts currently more than 2.800 locations in 53 countries, with 11.000 associates and FY2020 System-wide Sales of €879 Million (US$1004 Million). For additional information please visit MBE Worldwide Group websites at www.mbecorporate.com - www.mbeglobal.com - www.postnet.com - www.alphagraphics.com - www.spedingo.com/en - www.printspeak.com - www.packsend.com.au - www.multicopy.nl - www.mbe.it - www.mbe.es - www.mbe.de - www.mbefrance.fr - www.mbe.pl - www.mbeportugal.pt

Sito Web
Vendita al dettaglio
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1001 - 5000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Settori di competenza
Franchising, International Shipping, Specialty Shipping, Graphic Design, Digital and Offset Printing, Retail Logistics, Postal Services, Mailings, Office Supplies, Print Accessories, Money Transfer e etc. etc. etc.


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