

Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro

Helping people land greener careers

Chi siamo

Easysustainability is a non-profit organisation that serves the cause of helping youth land greener jobs. You may want to become an employee in an ESG consulting multinational, an academic researching climate change, or even a social entrepreneur who brings disruptive eco-innovations/startups to the market. No matter what your career goal is, Easysustainability is ready to support you for free in making it greener! We do it through green upskilling, coaching, networking and other projects. We can count on a growing team of young professionals, graduates and PhDs active in several projects, which include webinars, sustainability job shadowing programs, Erasmus KA1 and KA2, and other non-formal remote educational and training programs. If you feel passionate about sustainability and related topics, want to build a strong network of people working in your dream field, and would like to cross-learn different aspects of it, feel free to join us and become a volunteer!

Sito Web
Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1 dipendente
Sede principale
Remote Global Community
Non profit
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Pro-bono consulting, Erasmus, Youthwork, Sustainability, Education, Volunteering e Non-profit


Dipendenti presso Easysustainability


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