Chi siamo

E.ON è oggi uno dei principali operatori energetici in Italia impegnato nella vendita di soluzioni innovative ed efficienti, per consumare meno e meglio, a oltre 900.000 clienti residenziali, imprese e pubbliche amministrazioni in tutto il Paese. In linea col posizionamento strategico del Gruppo, ci concentriamo sulla proposta di prodotti e servizi energetici competitivi in grado di rispondere alle nuove esigenze dei consumatori per un utilizzo più smart ed efficiente dell’energia. La sostenibilità è al centro del modello di business di E.ON, il cui approccio olistico parte dall’interno dell’azienda – guidandone l’attività e l’operato delle persone – e si rivolge anche ai consumatori e ai cittadini, coinvolgendoli in una community di persone consapevoli, che condividono idee e buone pratiche, in grado di generare un cambiamento diffuso e trasversale. Il modello di business di E.ON è focalizzato sulla sostenibilità ed è orientato verso 3 obiettivi principali: ridurre l’impatto ambientale attraverso la decarbonizzazione, aumentare l’efficienza energetica contribuendo alla riduzione della carbon footprint e rendere l’energia verde la fonte primaria in tutti i settori.

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Oltre 10.001 dipendenti
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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di E.ON Deutschland, immagine

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    Ein E.ON-Meilenstein: Eine halbe Million Ladepunkte in Europa! 🚗🔌 Auf dem Weg ein flächendeckendes Ladenetz in Europa zu erzielen, haben wir nun einen weiteren Meilenstein erreicht: 500.000 Ladepunkte in unserem europäischen Roaming-Ladenetz für E-Autos. E.ON Drive Kund:innen und Kunden können in 14 Ländern Europas laden. Das Ladenetz erstreckt sich von Norwegen bis nach Italien und von UK nach Polen. Weitere Länder sind in Planung. Mit der E.ON Drive Comfort App ist der Ladevorgang komfortabel und einfach, alle der 500.000 Ladepunkte lassen sich damit auffinden und bedienen. In der App sind die Preise einsehbar, es kann von allen Ladestationen aus bezahlt werden und durch Filteroptionen können spezifische Ladepunkte, wie zum Beispiel Schnellladestationen gefunden werden. Good to know: An E.ON Ladestellen tankt ihr zu 100% Ökostrom! 🌿

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di E.ON, immagine

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    it's on us to find new energy in new people. The smarter we make our grids, the faster they reach people. But innovative technology needs visionaries and makers. To find those is exactly Chung's job. As Senior Tech Recruiter for E.ON Grid Solutions, he ensures that our smart grids become even smarter every day. 💡   It's on us to make new energy work. Find out more about Chung and our other Playmakers here: #ItsOnUs #playmaker

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di E.ON, immagine

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    "My dream is of a future where everyone plays an active role in the energy transition. The power to decide how and when we consume, store, and utilize energy will be in our hands. By leveraging assets like electric vehicles, solar panels, and heating systems, with the assistance of AI, we can optimize our energy usage to save costs and reduce our carbon footprint." ⚡ 🌱   At the “Festival der Zukunft” Victoria Ossadnik, COO Digital & Innovation, delivered an insightful keynote on the role of AI in accelerating the transition to green energy. Victoria highlighted different use cases in the energy industry where AI can offer significant support - e.g. the evaluation of millions of images of E.ON's grid that has been captured by drones or renewable energy forecasting. 💡   The “Festival der Zukunft” is a top-notch event that brings together thought leaders, scientists and innovators to discuss our future. It provides a platform for exchanging ideas and showcasing cutting-edge technologies. E.ON Digital Technology together with Bayernwerk also made a contribution to the festival, presenting as part of the New Realities Competition by XR HUB Bavaria their XR use case for substations, highlighting innovative approaches within the energy sector.

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di E.ON, immagine

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    On the last weekend in June, when the International Day of Parliamentarism takes place, we will be taking a stand for #Europe, #freedom, human dignity and #democracy lighting up not only our values but our headquarter.    Our society is diverse - and so is E.ON. People from 115 countries work together at E.ON, and they are different in many ways.  We promote and utilise this #diversity effectively. We firmly reject extremism and xenophobia.  When it gets darker, we have to shine extra brightly.  #lightup #westandforvalues   

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di E.ON, immagine

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    It’s on us to let new energy make a change. If you want to move forward, you must never stand still. That's why Gloria Eze, as Change and Communications Manager, uses programs and initiatives to inspire many E.ON employees to do things differently. Because what we should never change is always being ready for change. 🙌     It's on us to make new energy work. Find out more about Gloria and our other Playmakers here: #ItsOnUs #playmaker

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di E.ON, immagine

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    MINT-Berufe für eine nachhaltige Zukunft!🫶   Unsere Kampagne #enerSHE shapes the future verabschiedet sich. Und wir danken allen, die mitgemacht und uns unterstützt und begleitet haben! 🙏   Unsere Mission war: Weibliche MINT-Talente für E.ON und die Netzgesellschaften gewinnen.   WIR sind Energy Networks und davon überzeugt, dass außergewöhnliche Ideen und Perspektiven durch die Zusammenarbeit von verschiedenen Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Meinungen entstehen.   Zum ersten Mal haben wir eine gemeinsame Diversity-Kampagne auf die Beine gestellt. 11 Unternehmen für eine wichtige Botschaft. Mehr #enerSHE in der Energiewirtschaft.   Warum? Weil Frauen, und besonders Frauen mit MINT-Hintergrund, in der Energiewirtschaft nach wie vor unterdurchschnittlich präsent sind.   Mit unserer Kampagne haben wir gezeigt, dass   ✨Wir viele inspirierende MINT-Kolleginnen bei uns haben ❣ Uns das Thema sehr am Herzen liegt 🚀 Die Kampagne eine Maßnahme auf dem Weg zu einer diverseren Energiewirtschaft ist   It's on us to keep on changing the status quo.   #enerSHE lebt weiter. Mit euch. ❤️   🙌 Das WIR hat mehr bewegt - gemeinsam mit Avacon Gruppe | Bayernwerk | E.DIS | enviaM-Gruppe | E.ON Grid Solutions | HanseWerk-Gruppe | Lechwerke AG | Süwag Energie AG | VSE AG | Westenergie | Jung von Matt | Radancy | ESCAPE Filmproduktion | Julia Alexandra Heidinger | 🎥 mit Milena | Lisa | Greta Louisa | Marc-Kevin   Wer alles dabei war und was in 2 Jahren passiert ist, könnt ihr hier erkunden 👉   #bebrave #enerSHEshapesthefuture #EnerSHEwirtschaft #itsonus

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di E.ON, immagine

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    E.ON and Australian real estate developer Lendlease have signed an agreement to build a pioneering low-carbon energy network for more than 6,000 new homes 🏠 and business properties 🏢 at Silvertown in east London. The 760,000 m² Silvertown site will be the UK’s first development of E.ON's pioneering ectogrid™ system, an energy sharing heat network based on heat pump technology that, once complete, will save approximately 4,000 tonnes of CO2 a year – 88 percent lower emissions than from traditional gas boilers. The core principle of ectogrid™ is to provide heating and cooling by first using existing energy sources available locally, such as air, water or ground. Each connected building sends excess heating or cooling to other buildings as needed, and by sharing, balancing, and storing energy in rotation, ectogrid™ uses all available energy before adding any ‘new’ energy, drastically reducing consumption, costs and environmental impact 🌍. More here: #energytransition #ectogrid

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di E.ON, immagine

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    How does AI-powered battery management and maintenance work? 👨🏼🔧🛜 Which data is needed to improve battery management and therefore also battery lifetime? 🔋 Watch our Electrified/Talk to find the answer to these questions. 🎥🎤 If you're curious about electromobility and artificial intelligence, you can find all the episodes of our Electrified/Talks on our website: Electrified Media / Electrified Magazin E.ON Drive #EONDriveSummit #EDS24 #Emobility #AI 

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di E.ON, immagine

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    Why is dynamic pricing such a trend in e-mobility and is it here to stay? Are EV drivers ready to charge with dynamic prices? ⚡🔌 Watch our Electrified/Talk to find the answer to these questions. 🎥🎤 If you're curious about electromobility and artificial intelligence, you can find all the episodes of our Electrified/Talks on our website:   Electrified Media / Electrified Magazin E.ON Drive  #EONDriveSummit #EDS24 #Emobility #AI 

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