Diatheva srl

Diatheva srl

Ricerca biotecnologica

Cartoceto , PU 3.347 follower

Bringing research to application

Chi siamo

DIATHEVA is an Italian biotech company founded in 2002 with the aim to bring research into industrial products by cooperating with firms, public and private research institutions. DIATHEVA focuses on development, production and marketing of new and innovative products (antibodies, recombinant proteins, immunoassays and SNPs detection kits) for diagnostics, research and therapeutic applications in the field of: Cancer, Microbial Infection and Pharmacogenetics. DIATHEVA has a GMP authorized facility designed for the manufacture of APIs for pre-clinical and clinical trial studies with a special emphasis on new immunogens against HIV and other microbial pathogens. DIATHEVA is the first facility in Italy able to provides GMP service on-demand. From 2009 DIATHEVA has been a member of Marche BIOTECH and has been collaborating with the most important biotechnological companies in the Marche region extending its scientific network. From 2010 DIATHEVA has been providing a wide range of pharmacogenetic tests for personalized and predictive medicine based on High Resolution Melting technologies with priority focused on anti-tumoral treatments.

Sito Web
Ricerca biotecnologica
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Cartoceto , PU
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Microbiology, DNA Technology, Cell Biology, Genetic Diseases, Tumor Markers e SNPs & Genotyping


Dipendenti presso Diatheva srl


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