Damiani Group

Damiani Group

Beni di lusso e gioielli

The highest expression of savoir-faire, creativity and Italian craftsmanship.

Chi siamo

Il Gruppo Damiani nasce nel 1924 a Valenza, sede del distretto orafo considerato centro di eccellenza per la produzione di gioielleria. Grazie alla sua abilità di maestro orafo, il capostipite Enrico diviene in breve tempo il gioielliere cui si rivolgono importanti famiglie italiane e straniere per la realizzazione di pezzi unici, veri e propri capolavori della gioielleria. Il Gruppo Damiani è una storica azienda leader nel mercato italiano della produzione e commercializzazione di gioielli di alta gamma e di design con marchi di assoluto prestigio: Damiani, Salvini, Bliss, Calderoni e Venini.

Sito Web
Beni di lusso e gioielli
Dimensioni dell’azienda
501 - 1000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Valenza (AL)
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
High jewelry, Luxury, Bridal e Luxury Jewels and Watches


Dipendenti presso Damiani Group


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    La Famiglia Damiani ha invitato i propri collaboratori ad un cocktail esclusivo, aprendo le porte della loro residenza di Valenza “Villa Bricco del Pero”. La villa settecentesca è situata a Valenza, dove la Maison è stata fondata un secolo fa. Unico marchio internazionale veramente valenzano, Damiani vanta tutt’ora forti legami con la città d’origine: la produzione è ancora saldamente radicata nel territorio e ne riflette la straordinaria maestria, passione e creatività. Un ringraziamento sentito da parte di tutta la Famiglia ai preziosi dipendenti del Gruppo, che contribuiscono con il loro lavoro e la loro dedizione a rendere questo anno così speciale!   #Damiani100years #Sparklingtogheter  #DamianiGroup #Damiani

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    Giorgio Damiani ha partecipato all’assemblea pubblica “Future Leaders” promossa dall’Unione Industriali di Torino – Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori, incentrata su temi come cambiamento, transizione tecnologica e sostenibilità. Il Vicepresidente del Gruppo Damiani è intervenuto con un discorso che ha toccato temi come governance aziendale, innovazione e possibili sfide per il futuro. Azienda solida e matura, Damiani si propone così come punto di riferimento per le nuove realtà che intendono entrare in un mercato complesso come quello contemporaneo, in termini di pianificazione a lungo termine, capacità di superare le difficoltà e di pensare fuori dagli schemi per adottare nuove soluzioni. #DamianiGroup #Damiani Unione Industriali Torino

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    🎉 Celebrating Excellence! 🎉 Damiani è entusiasta di annunciare e celebrare gli eccezionali dipendenti che sono stati nominati Top Employees del FY 23-24! Questo riconoscimento è un tributo all’impegno e alla dedizione che hanno dimostrato e al contributo straordinario che hanno portato all’azienda. Un grande applauso a: Barbara De Faveri, Angélica Díaz, Bianca Lipani, Andrea Rapisarda, Miyuki Shirosaki, Mavis Wong Wai Ling, Jongyeon Bae, Laura Mandirola, Yumiko Onuma, Paola Selvini, Anna Prestianni, Sara Tagliani. Il loro lavoro instancabile e la loro passione sono una continua fonte di ispirazione… Grazie ancora!   *** 🎉 Celebrating Excellence! 🎉 Damiani is delighted to announce and celebrate its outstanding employees who have been named Top Employees of FY 23-24! This recognition pays tribute to the commitment and dedication they have shown and the extraordinary contribution they have made to the company. A big round of applause to: Barbara De Faveri, Angélica Díaz, Bianca Lipani, Andrea Rapisarda, Miyuki Shirosaki, Mavis Wong Wai Ling, Jongyeon Bae, Laura Mandirola, Yumiko Onuma, Paola Selvini, Anna Prestianni, Sara Tagliani. The tireless work and passion of the employees continues to be a source of inspiration for us... Thanks again! #BestEmployee #EmployeeRecognition #DamianiGroup

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    THE MAISON CELEBRATES THE OPENING OF A NEW BOUTIQUE IN TAIPEI’S BREEZE CENTER   Damiani consolidates its presence in Taiwan by opening a new Boutique in the Breeze Center in the East District of Taipei City. Located in a high-visibility area of the renowned department store, the boutique features elegant furnishings and refined fabrics in soft sand and brown. Here, customers can admire the Maison's iconic collections: the evocative Belle Époque, the trendy D.Icon, the modern Margherita, the feminine Mimosa, and the much-loved Bridal collection, showcased in a dedicated area. The Damiani Group’s CEO Jerome Favier attended the traditional ribbon cutting ceremony, together with Taiwanese actor Kent Tsai, who was special guest at the opening event. On this special occasion, Kent wore a DAMIANI Belle Époque cross necklace with diamonds and gemstones, revealing the Maison’s unique charm. The Maison’s strategic investment in the Breeze Center is rooted in the brand’s capacity to attract local jewelry enthusiasts and potential collectors. This new opening is an important milestone for strengthening the brand’s distribution and consolidating its image in a dynamic market such as Taiwan. #DamianiGroup #Damiani #NewOpening

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    Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che presso il nostro laboratorio la tradizione e l'arte della gioielleria si tramandano di generazione in generazione attraverso le nostre Academy. I nostri artigiani più esperti condividono con i giovani aspiranti orafi le loro competenze per preservare la maestria che da sempre caratterizza la Maison Damiani. Dal 2018 ci impegniamo a coltivare e valorizzare il talento delle nuove generazioni, portando avanti con orgoglio l'eredità della nostra azienda. Unisciti a noi in questo viaggio di apprendimento e scoperta, dove l'arte diventa eterna. #DamianiAcademy #DamianiGroup #Damiani #MadeInItaly

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    The Maison opens a new boutique at the 360 Mall in Kuwait City in partnership with Morad Yousef Behbehani. Both the families Behbehani and Damiani run family-owned companies established from the early 20th century and had successfully navigated through generations in the luxury retail industry, aiming to cater exquisite products with unique client experiences. Located close to the main luxury brands, the new Damiani boutique is designed to detail to allow fine jewelry enthusiasts discover the house’s unique storytelling and timeless creations that blend exquisite craftsmanship with rare gemstones, capturing the essence of elegance and luxury. This new opening confirms Damiani's desire to further expand in an area of strategic importance such as the Middle East. In particular, Kuwait boasts a sophisticated clientele who love novelty and fashion and are willing to invest in brands that live up to its high standards of design and quality. The Maison, with the style, design and craftsmanship that characterizes its jewelry offering is set to become the new must-go destination of this highly sought-after audience. #Damiani #DamianiGroup #MadeinItaly #NewOpening #KuwaitCity

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    Per sostenere il benessere dei propri dipendenti, il Gruppo Damiani ha avviato nel mese di maggio un programma di prevenzione delle patologie cardiache, fornendo la possibilità di sottoporsi ad un elettrocardiogramma di controllo con l’ausilio dell’unità mobile messa a disposizione dalla Croce Rossa di Valenza. Questa iniziativa è parte del programma di welfare del Gruppo e rappresenta un’importante tappa nel percorso di consolidamento di una cultura aziendale volta a migliorare la qualità della vita dei suoi collaboratori. #DamianiGroup #Welfare

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    Guido Damiani, President of the Damiani Group, has been awarded at the 2024 edition of the Investopia event, by Deputy Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Valentino Valenti, witnessing the remarkable contribution brought as ambassador of Made in Italy on the global stage. Investopia, the leading business gathering for the Middle East in collaboration with EFG Consulting, was held this year on May 10th in Milan and welcomed many prominent government authorities, including Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti, Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanché, and President of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontana, as well as renown members of the international business community and Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates, Abdulla bin Touq Al Marri. This award underlines Damiani's longstanding commitment to Italian excellence, especially in this year of its 100th anniversary. #GuidoDamiani #Investopia #MadeInItaly #BusinessExcellence #Damiani100thAnniversary #Damiani #DamianiGroup Damiani

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    JESSICA CHASTAIN IS THE MAISON’S NEW GLOBAL BRAND AMBASSADOR   Damiani is pleased to announce that Jessica Chastain will be its new global brand ambassador and the protagonist of the new global advertising campaign that will be released in Summer 2024. In this wonderfully special Centennial year, this choice further strengthens the brand’s desire to underscore its iconic uniqueness in the luxury segment.   Jessica Chastain and Silvia Damiani met when the actress visited the Murano-based glassmaker Venini, a brand owned by the Damiani Group. Since then, the relationship between the family at the head of the luxury Maison and the actress has naturally evolved and deepened so much so that Jessica served as a guest of honor of the gala evening celebrating Damiani’s 100th anniversary, held in Milan on the 14th of March.   As a versatile artist and a sophisticated, elegant and confident woman who shares some of Damiani’s core traits, such as passion, creativity and family ties, Jessica Chastain is the perfect embodiment of the brand’s inherent values. The actress constantly expresses her love for Italy, to which she feels especially close for personal and emotional reasons, and has always shown a genuine, heartfelt interest in our culture – to which Damiani is also particularly attached as an ambassador of our beautiful country worldwide. It is no wonder, therefore, that the brand has chosen her as its new face to represent its style globally.   Jessica Chastain is a critically acclaimed American actress and producer, highly regarded for her performances in several successful movies. In 2022, she won an Academy Award as Best Actress for her role in “The Eyes of Tammy Faye”. She has also received numerous other awards, including a Golden Globe as Best Actress for her role in “Zero Dark Thirty”. Her amazing ability to play a wide range of characters, along with her magnetic appeal and great screen presence, have made her one of the most respected, sought after and award-winning actresses in Hollywood.   Jessica Chastain commented: “I am delighted to be Damiani’s Global Ambassador and to represent the values of this wonderful company throughout the world. One hundred years of history, passion, craftsmanship and creativity are an important legacy worth preserving. It is an honour for me to be a part of a family that safeguards and passes on Italy’s artisanal excellence worldwide.”   Guido Damiani, President of the Damiani Group, declared: “It is an honor to welcome Jessica into our family. Her extraordinary qualities as an actress and as a person are known to all, but ours is also a choice of the heart. Jessica is a sophisticated, committed, acclaimed woman, but most of all, she is authentic and true to her values – just like us. Together, I am sure we will do great things and achieve important new goals.”   #Damiani #DamianiGroup #MadeinItaly

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    Discover the excellence of Damiani craftsmanship at the exhibition 100x100 Italiani, in Milan, and the long-standing commitment of Damiani to the ancient arts of goldsmithing and gemsetting, renewed through the Damiani Accademy. 📍100X100 Italiani, Gallerie d’Italia, Via Alessandro Manzoni 10, Milan. Discover more: https://lnkd.in/dri7fEg4 #DamianiOfficial #Damiani100years #gallerieditalia #JEMA #EACD #GEMA2024

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